Cristela Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Floor Favor

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Alberto is back guys! And better than ever. 

After some time off, Alberto was in full force on Cristela Season 1 Episode 8, wooing Cristela and refusing to part with his Hawaiian shirt and jean shorts. 

While Cristela is the star of the show (and rightfully so), Alberto has been the shows not-so-secret weapon. Every time he smiles, I find myself smiling right along with him.

Bringing Felix and Alberto into the office was a great strategy and it played out gloriously. I was a little nervous about Trent interacting with the guys, as I've been pretty vocal about my disdain for some of his "jokes". But the three of them had a great rapport and when Trent was dishing it out, the guys were giving it right back to him.

As the guys were focused on remodeling Trent's office, Cristela was focused on making sure they didn't embarrass her. But I think we all know that's impossible for Alberto.

Cristela: Hey, I thought you were gonna get him some pants?
Felix: I did.
Alberto: I cut em off. What? What you having trouble concentrating?

And not only did he wear cut off jean shorts to a law firm, he also got jealous, as he got to see Jostela in action. 

I think Josh was oblivious to why Alberto was really targeting him, but Alberto was seeing what we've been seeing all season. The power of Jostela!

I'm just going to need Josh to realize what's literally sitting right across the desk from him!

After the floor was finished and Cristela came through for Trent in a big way regarding an important case, we got another vintage Felix and Cristela moment. 

Felix: But Trent seemed even happier with your work. You know that's the first time I really understood what it is you're trying to do with your life. I was very proud of you. What's wrong?
Cristela: You complimented me and my body went into shock.

We're starting to get spoiled here! That's two episodes in a row for our favorite love/hate relationship. 

It was pointed out in the comments that the their relationship is fast becoming one of the centerpieces of the show and I couldn't agree more. They play off each other well. And while their little digs at one another are funny, the earnest moments they've shared have been some of the best moments of the series thus far. 

Back at home, Daniela was tasked with teaching Natalia how to use the Internet. And I'm bummed we didn't get to see more. 

One of the biggest laughs of the night was watching Cristela and Daniela argue over who was going to show her how to use it, while Natalia was just a few feet away. I think we all have that one older friend or family member who hasn't quite grasped the whole concept of smart phones and different technology. 

This was another great installment of a great Friday night sitcom. It's really finding it's groove and continuing to deliver the laughs. 

I would be remiss not to mention the line of the night, that goes to Trent. Who mistook Alberto and Cristela for siblings. 

Trent: So Cristela, this your twin brother?
Cristela: What? No.
Trent: No, really? I mean, you look exactly alike.

Watching their appalled reactions was the funniest thing I've seem in awhile. Thank you, Cristela. 

What was your favorite part of the episode? Wasn't it so nice to have Alberto back? Do we like the slow burn of Jostela or would you like them to make some progress?

As always, leave me your thoughts and don't forget to visit the Cristela quotes page and watch Cristela online right now!

Floor Favor Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (5 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Cristela Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Cristela: Hey Mama, I'm going to teach you how to use the Internet.
Natalia: Oh, I wanted Daniela to do it.
Cristela: You win.

  • Permalink: You win.
  • Added:

Alberto, don't hit on women when you're wearing jean shorts.
