Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 7 Review: 107

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Ray J, Ray J, Ray J. What is going on with you?

Each week he seems to be sinking a little bit further and on Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 7, it appears that he may have finally hit rock bottom. It's a shame too because Ray J is a very talented guy and it's never fun to see someone fall on hard times. 

It all began when he went to see Yesi at Power 106 and he came storming in there like a bat out of hell. The whole thing was so bizarre, as he was blaming her for Morgan getting fired. Last time I checked Ray, you were the one that fired Morgan, not Yesi. 

He was loud, belligerent and completely out of line. I just kept thinking the whole time, was there no one else in that building? And the minute he started standing over her and waving his finger around, I was thinking he needs to calm down immediately. Here was an adult man, acting like a 10 year old and I was glad when that big security guard practically carried him out of there.

Later, we see the immediate fall out from Ray J's arrest back in the spring. Ray was accused of grabbing a woman's butt and then after he was arrested, he spit on a police officer and kicked out the back window of the police car. Whoa. 

When his manager comes to pick him up, Ray J is far from remorseful and it's sad to listen to him try to justify his actions. After his manager brings up his drinking, Ray really starts to get defensive. I'm not sure where this is all leading with Ray and if he will continue to fall, but right now things are looking really, really bad. 

With Ray J down and out, Teairra figures now is the time to reach out to her old love, but not before yucking it up with Berg in the studio. 

He was totally flirting with her, right??? Ugh. Berg, you are the worst this week.  

Anyway, Teairra visits Ray at the studio and the conversation is downright painful. Ray J can barely keep his eyes open and he basically denies he was ever in a relationship with her. I've got my own feelings about Teairra, but that was really cold blooded. She even tried to apologize and he wanted no parts of it.

I hope she will officially be done with him for good. 

And you know who else needs to be done for good? Hazel and freaking Berg! Now I like Hazel, but I'm at a loss as to what to say about her anymore. 

Berg has disrespected her over and over again, so naturally she decides to pen him an open love letter via rap lyrics! Really?!?! Berg is a jerk about it, because that's how he is and she tries to punch that awful smirk off his face. 

If I never hear him cackle again, it will be too soon. 

After all this heaviness, let's dial things back and discuss Nia and Soulja. Soulja is 24 years old, but if you didn't know that, how old would you think he is? I'm going with 18. 

He has a very childlike, silly way about him and I have serious doubts about him fully committing to Nia the way he keeps saying he will. 

Did anyone else find it weird that they've been dating (off and on) for eight years and only one family member has met him? And he didn't even realize she had nine siblings? Yeah, something isn't right there. 

When he finally does get around to meeting Nia's dad, Teddy Riley, their meeting is awkward to say the least. But I'm hoping Soulja finally sees how serious all of this is. Time will tell with those two. 

Side note, I LOVE Teddy Riley. My earliest memory is of me dancing around listening to Guy songs in my pajamas. So I was more excited than was necessary when he rolled up in those Adidas sweatpants. And he looks really good for his age!

Finally, Miss Leslie and Apryl made nice. There's not too much to say here. For the time being, Miss Leslie will be at the birth but things could change between them in a heartbeat. Stay tuned. 

Alright guys, what did you think of this week's installment? What is going on with Ray J? Have we FINALLY seen the end of Hazel and Berg? Where was Lil Fizz?

Next week looks insane, but before then watch Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood online so you're never behind!

107 Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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