Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 6 Review: Exit Stage Left

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Well another week passes and I still find myself wondering, why does Mally Mal only wear black muscle tees? And who exactly is he to have men on standby waiting while he grabs dinner with his lady?

That Mally Mal is a strange fellow. But on Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 6, we found ourselves a new candidate for the worst of the week. And it sadly goes to Ray J.

I always want to root for Ray J but he took things too far tonight with Morgan. She was just trying to do something for herself by working the red carpet at a big time radio concert and Ray J just couldn't support that.

And why could he not support her? Because he needs Morgan to get him water. Seriously. He actually said that out loud.

We all get that Morgan is Ray J's assistant, he says it multiple times each week. But we also hear them say they have this tight bond and are like family, so it was sad to see him flip out on her for not being his shadow for one day.

I couldn't really tell if he 100% fired her but if he did I think it's for the best. Ten years is a long time to fetch water for someone as immature as Ray J.

In other parts of Hollywood, Teairra Mari was preparing for a showcase at a popular club. She got the gig with the help of promoters Sincere and Miss Diddy. And their first meeting was a contentious one, filled with a lot of interesting lipstick colors.

Sincere wasn't too sure Teairra still had it and he said over and over again that he was putting his reputation on the line for her. Teairra was her usual, feisty self and I had a feeling these two would clash at some point.

And clash they did after the showcase.

Now I'm no music critic, but I didn't think her singing was terrible. Maybe a little off key at times, but I'm sure the people frequenting that venue have heard worse. And she looked beautiful.

So when Sincere went in on her immediately about her voice difficulties and her weight, I understood why she got defensive. But then she tried to punch him in the face because she's Teairra. Will she ever learn?

I've saved the relationship drama for last because it was the best part of the episode. 

Fizz continues to try to get Amanda to fill the mother role in his son's life and she just doesn't seem interested. I get that he wants a stable female influence around his son but it does seem like he's pushing it. And I have to agree with Omarion; can Amanda be trusted?

After hearing her back story, the answer is clearly no.

Not only did she cheat on Fizz, she bought her man friend an apartment. Who does that? Better yet, who stays with someone like that?

The answer is someone with a big heart like Fizz. Unfortunately, he still doesn't trust her and how can you blame him? But I do agree with Amanda that if he can't get past it then he shouldn't be with her.

I feel bad for Fizz and I hope he knows I'm always here if he needs a shoulder to cry on.

Someone I don't feel bad for is Nikki. She was so quick to eat up everything Mally told her but this week she finally started to think more.

I was surprised she reached out to Masika and even more surprised Masika agreed to meet with her. The passive aggressive conversation was amazing.

They compared notes and Nikki was FINALLY able to see that Masika wasn't the liar. Victory for Team Masika!

Nikki, with the help of her hilarious mother, confronted Mally over dinner and he knew he was caught. But I must say, if I was being confronted by those two women I would have run away too.

And run Mally Mal did. Hopefully, he went to return those leather pants.

Well, we made it another week. And next week looks like the continued decline of Brandy's little brother. What did you think of the episode? Did you miss Hazel? Were you appalled by Sincere's behavior?

Let me know in the comments and don't forget to watch Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood online anytime so you don't miss a beat.

Exit Stage Left Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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