Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Truth Be Told

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There are a few takeaways from Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 5.

For starters, Mally Mal must have a twin brother because he has been two different people this season. Berg officially only cares about making money and might not have feelings. And Nikki only wears black and white and doesn't like bras. 

So besides those new truths, things were pretty much the status quo. Mally Mal was the worst part, Hazel still needs to move on and Miss Leslie and Apryl are still not getting along. 

I keep hoping each week that Apryl and Leslie will have a breakthrough. That Leslie will put aside her jealousy (that's what I see it as) and finally accept Apryl as the future mother of her grandson. 

Well, this wasn't the week. 

Leslie continued her verbal assault against Apryl, this week calling her both selfish and materialistic. Omarion stuck up for Apryl a little more this week, which was nice to see. I know it's hard to choose sides when it comes to a parent and a significant other, but like Omarion said, Apryl is his family now and he really does need to respect her wishes. 

There's still time for the two of them to make nice before the baby arrives. But it doesn't look promising. 

Poor Hazel. She just can't catch a break lately. First, Teairra was a terrible friend and now Berg proved once more that he does not deserve her. 

When Teairra approached Berg to work with him, I definitely saw it as an act of war against Hazel. She never talked highly of Berg and then all the sudden she just had to work with him after her and Hazel stopped being friends. Yeah, that's not fishy at all. 

When Hazel found out she was mad. And I didn't blame her for that. If I heard that my arch nemesis and my wannabe boyfriend were working together, I'd be angry too. 

But if my wannabe boyfriend was Berg, I'd be more mad at myself. Berg is nothing short of awful to Hazel and it's beyond sad that Hazel continues to give him the time of day. If he really is the big hit maker he claims to be, then she should continue to work with him and find herself a new man. 

There are more men in Hollywood, Hazel! Men that will appreciate that unique fashion sense of yours!

Speaking of men that don't appreciate things, Ray J was back this week and not being very friendly. While at the video shoot for his new single no one has heard, Nikki shows up with some ladies and decides to confront Morgan about some things Teairra told her. 

Backing up, what would possess Teairra to tell Nikki about Morgan and Masika making fun of Nikki's before nose? On Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood Season 1 Episode 4, she was all about Morgan being her friend. Then this week she throws her right under the bus.

That Teairra, man. She seems pretty committed to having no friends by the end of this season. 

Anyway, the Nikki/Morgan situation goes from 0 to 60 quickly and Ray J steps in to break it up. It was kind of ridiculous that the only thing he really took away from their argument was that Morgan still talked to Teairra. Hmm, why are you so mad Ray?

The truth between Morgan and Ray J is this, Morgan wants Ray to treat her better and appreciate what she does. Ray J wants her to be his assistant. The two clearly have a lot of history, but it's starting to look like their friendship is going to continue to deteriorate if Morgan keeps working for him. 

I'm predicting they go their separate ways by the end of the season. 

Now I wish Mally Mal and Nikki would also go their separate ways but it's not looking like that is going to happen. After he gave her that empty box, proclaiming that it signified the way he felt when she wasn't there, Nikki was hooked right back in. Eww. And more eww. 

Nikki insisted that they confront Masika together and it was kind of frightening the way they toasted to it. Cheers to hurting someone's feelings! Yay!

I refuse to believe Mally Mal doesn't have an evil twin because he has been one person with Masika and one person with Nikki. He was talking to Masika like everything between them never happened. 

Um, Mally Mal I don't know if you're aware but, YOU'RE ON A REALITY TV SHOW. There is video evidence of you telling Masika she was your girl! 

I'm surprised Masika was able to keep her cool when Nikki showed up. I am firmly on Team Masika. If only because she's not Nikki and she wears pastels. 

Well another week down, guys. What did you think of Teairra being a rat? Will Hazel finally get over Berg? Can Ray J stop pretending he is the Ray J of 2001 and can we all agree we are on Team Masika?

Don't forget to watch Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood online so you don't miss any of the action. 

Truth Be Told Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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