Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 19 Rewatch: The Grandfather

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Is there anything more fun to watch than Blair Waldorf spiral out of control?

Well, it's a rare sight and Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 19 provided us with a brief glimpse into what life would be like if B loosened the reigns and went a little wild.

Stealing sunglasses from Bendels and having sex with a bad boy? Not the worse she could do but for Blair it's definitely crossing over to the wild side. If I could've cut class and sat around drinking bourbon and wearing lingerie looking like that, yeah I would have too.

Blair just lost Yale, the one thing she wanted for 18 years. Yes Chuck, even more than she wanted you.

Chuck: Yale, the only thing she wanted more than me. That would be painful.
Serena: Chuck, she's embarrassed, so we've gotta give her time to lick her wounds.
Chuck: Maybe I could lick them for her.

Let's talk about that for a moment, Bass. There is an "I love you" shelf life and no I did not invent that concept, Sex and the City did. I believe the agreed upon time for an ILY to be hanging out there without reciprocation is similar to the shelf life of milk. Just because you've finally seen through the fog doesn't mean Blair is going to be waiting!

Although I did thoroughly enjoy the confrontation between Serena and Chuck and Carter. Serena has an arsenal of secrets that one probably wouldn't expect, but she pulls it out when necessary. Threatening her best friend's future by helping her spiral out is definitely one of those times.

What is this? Good cop, Bass cop?


It also poised the question that so many of us would be wondering until Gossip Girl season 3What happened in Santorini?

The other half of this episode was dedicated to the fact that Nate Archibald was basically modeled after a Kennedy. I loved seeing him get convinced to see "Grandfather" (so effing formal it's awesome). Vanessa and Dan had zero idea what they were in for. Dan pointing out that the house was a little less mansion and a little more country club was hilarious.

It sucks that Nate and Vanessa had a good thing going that was about to get ruined though. This isn't Vanessa's world. As welcoming as Maureen was, there's no way Vanessa would be cool sitting by idly while Nate was the only trailblazer in the relationship. There is one girl who is comfortable with that...and she was definitely more comfortable falling back into that role by the end of the episode.

Yes, I am talking about one Blair Cornelia Waldorf. And we all know where that reunion is headed...

So tell me, were Blair and Nate the most boring coupling?

And remember to watch Gossip Girl online at any time via TV Fanatic!


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Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Serena: Did you just get a key?
Girl: Yep. And my mom said I'd never get in unless I lost 10 pounds. She's a bitch.