Cristela Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Soul Mates

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On Cristela Season 1 Episode 2, we see Cristela enter the treacherous world of online dating. 

It seems like every show nowadays that has anything to do with a character looking to date, goes to the online dating well at some point. And I completely get it. It's 2014 and you can't flip on the television without seeing an ad for all different kinds of matchmaking services. 

For Cristela, dating isn't a part of the plan she has for herself. But at Mom's urging and with Daniela's help, she agrees to give it a shot. And the results are hilarious. 

Cristela continues to be a delight and I'm glad so many people tuned into Cristela Season 1 Episode 1 to see how talented she is.

This week, we learn that Cristela has a plan. And not just any plan, but a carefully constructed 10-year plan that she does not want to deviate from. One thing not a part of that 

Daniela and Natalia aren't really interested in hearing that though. So, Daniela sets up Cristela's online profile and begins chatting with different suitors before Cristela even knows she's on the site!

I loved how easily swayed Daniela was by all sappy poems and silly quotes these guys were using to try and win over Cristela. It lead to this great exchange with Felix. 

Daniela: How come you've never written me a poem?
Felix: That new tile in your bathroom is my poem to you.

Once Cristela found out she was on the site and getting so many views (because duh she is awesome!), she decided to give in and started talking to a gentleman whose profile picture was that of a dog in a suit. 

Is it smart to talk to a guy whose face you've never seen? Isn't part of the allure of online dating, perusing the pictures and making snap judgments? Well, apparently Cristela just needs a dog with a pocket square and pictures of cats on motorcycles to hook her in. 

When she tells Josh about her dating life, he seems a bit jealous.

Let me just say I am loving the dynamic of Cristela and Josh and it's only taken two episodes for me to get on the shipper train. Shall we go with Jostela? 

They have a ton in common, from their life plans to their love of the law. And I immediately sensed Josh's jealously about Cristela's date and the way her playfully ribbed her about it was great. 

Cristela: How many guys like sports and Broadway musicals?
Josh: Lots. Mostly serial killers.

These two are totally gonna get together. 

But I'm thinking that will be a while down the road and in the meantime, Cristela had that date to go. And you'll never guess who it was!

Why it was classy Alberto of course, who came to the date decked out in his patent Hawaiian shirt. Cristela was obviously upset but she handled the whole thing really well and let him down gently.

I'm a big Alberto fan. I think he's funny and he does seem to really care about Cristela, so I wouldn't be upset if she gave him a chance somewhere down the line. 

But Jostela is endgame. 

This episode didn't have as many laugh out loud moments for me as the pilot did, but it continues to shine with Cristela at the helm. And the colorful cast of supporting players more than hold their own. 

So tell me what you guys thought of this week's episode! Are you all about Jostela? Or do you wish Cristela would give Alberto a chance? And holy smokes Carlos Ponce in that last scene, right? Remember to watch Cristela online anytime via TV Fanatic and keep laughing. 

Soul Mates Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Cristela Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Daniela: How come you've never written me a poem?
Felix: That new tile in your bathroom is my poem to you.

Alberto: You know what's funny, I actually like a woman who can challenge me intellectually.
Cristela: Then you're in luck cause that's all women.