Grey's Anatomy Season 10: Grade It!

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It really happened: Dr. Cristina Yang packed her bags and is now living happily ever after very far away from GSMH.

While her departure highlighted Grey's Anatomy Season 10, we also saw some relationships fall apart, others come together and and some get placed on pause. 

Both Dr. Preston Burke and Dr. Amelia Shepherd make surprising returns, with the former giving Cristina exactly what she had needed all along. 

GSMH dealt with a crazy storm, a possible terrorist attack and issues with the Harper Avery Foundation. Basically, a ton happened. 

So, let's discuss what went down, summarizing the best and worst of what went down and then handing out a grade for the season as a whole...

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BEST EPISODE: On Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 24, we saw a fitting end to Cristina's story. This cannot be said of so many of our favorite characters over the years. Luckily, the supposed terrorist attack was nothing more than an accident and did not overshadow Cristina's goodbyes to her fellow colleagues/family and her person. We saw them dance it out one last time, and it was just the best way for her to go out. 

WORST EPISODE: I don't really think there was a terrible episode this season and couldn't name one that stood out as the worst one, but a few did feel a bit lackluster. One that comes to mind is Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 14 when the non-fraternization policy was implemented. Seriously?! So lame. I'm betting that this policy will be forgotten next season. 

BEST CHARACTER: Without question, Sandra Oh rocked every scene all season long. Grey's Anatomy Season 10 was all about her, and I'm so glad that she got the awesome sendoff she so rightfully deserved. Cristina, we will never forget the way you made us laugh, how you always gave it your all as a doctor, and your dancing. 

WORST CHARACTER: Oh, Leah. You really never had it going on for you, did you? It was hard to find you likeable after you became obsessive with Arizona and then filed a complaint against Callie. However, when all's done and said, you came back voluntarily to help even after you were let go when things got chaotic at the hospital in the season finale.  

BEST RELATIONSHIP: Just like in the Grey's Anatomy Midseason Report Card, Jolex wins again. Alex finally met someone who is supportive and perfect for him. It's hard not to root for these two as they just light up the screen every single time. I can't wait to see more of these two. 

RELATIONSHIP IN MOST TROUBLE: Derek and Meredith's marriage is in major murky waters. Their fight in the season finale was intense and a whole lot was said. All of which can't be taken back. While Meredith didn't want to leave her home just to follow Derek and have her career in the background, Derek felt like she was asking him to choose between his family and the best job ever. Will they be okay come this fall? Probably not, but what does this mean for their marriage and family? 

HOPES FOR SEASON 11: With Cristina in Zurich, I am very interested in seeing how the show will go on for mainly the original characters. Hopefully, Shonda and company will create storylines that continue to illustrate the doctors' growth and development professionally and personally. Also, I can't help but wonder what Owen's story will be now. We also need to get some more likeable residents on board. Writers, please keep bringing on the intriguing and complex medical cases.  


And now it's YOUR turn, TV Fanatics! What grade do YOU give Grey's Anatomy Season 10?

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.