The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Report Card: Grade It!

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There were dopplegangers aplenty. Breakups galore. A few quasi deaths.

And really hot sex in the woods.

Yes, The Vampire Diaries Season 5 has come and gone, leaving viewers confused, excited, frustrated and entertained in its wake.

What were the top moments, episodes and characters from the past 22 episodes? Join us below as we grade The Vampire Diaries Season 5, Report Card Style!

BEST EPISODE: "Original Sin," The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 3. Fun, revealing flashbacks; the introduction of crazily awesome Qetsiyah; and very little love triangle drama. Good times.

WORST EPISODE: "Resident Evil," The Vampire Diaries Season 5 Episode 18. Maybe even worst of the series. Very little actually happened, the dream sequences were a giant waste of time; and, yes, there was dumb Delena drama at the end.

BEST CHARACTER: Enzo. He's one of our top breakout characters of the year for a reason. A fun mixture of sarcasm, wit, violence, anger and humor. Sort of reminds you of the old Damon Salvatore, doesn't he? He's not hard on the eyes, either.

WORST CHARACTER: Tyler. You thought I'd say Bonnie, didn't you? But at least she served a clear purpose and played a pretty major role in the back half of Season 5. But what was the point of Tyler this year? He dumped Caroline... he briefly stopped by New Orleans... he returned and got taken over by a Traveler. There was no clear direction to his story, but hopefully the finale paves the way for something interesting in The Vampire Diaries Season 6.


LEAST WELCOME RETURN. Grams. I rolled my eyes every time she popped in from The Other Side. Along with constant confusion over the roles of that place, if the show can't even properly kill off Bonnie's grandmother, how will it ever say goodbye to any character?!?

THINGS WE NEVER THOUGHT WE'D WRITE: Enough Delena already!!! Many current shows (Castle, Bones) have proven that you can keep a couple together and still keep things interesting. TVD writers should take note.

HOPES FOR SEASON 6: A more threatening/interesting villain (sorry, Markos)... a moratorium on the word doppleganger... the actual death of Bonnie... and just higher stakes overall. The latter was my main issue with Season 5. I don't need storylines to make perfect sense and I don't need expect the same kinds of crazy twists that we saw throughout the first couple seasons of this thrilling show.

But there's no real drama remaining in the love triangle. Stefan keeping a secret from Damon because he doesn't want his brother to be angry at him doesn't exactly keep me on the edge of my seat. This is The Vampire Diaries, dammit! We need there to be life and death at stake on a nearly weekly basis. We need to believe certain people are in real trouble.

And we really need the dead to remain dead.


YOUR turn, TV Fanatics: What grade would you give The Vampire Diaries Season 5?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
