Chicago Fire Season 2 Report Card: Grade It!

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Chicago Fire came out of the gate following The Voice on Tuesdays. 

Much like its first season, new episodes got off to a slow start... but new stories eventually replaced old and the NBC drama (pun fully intended) heated up big time over its final few weeks.

Let's break it all down, shall we? Scroll down for our latest TV Fanatic report  card and cast your own grade below...

Tough Day on Chicago Fire

Best Episode: The end of the season was particularly strong, but Chicago Fire Season 2 Episode 18 rosee above the pack. Jones' suicide was emotionally staggering, as one of the season's less liked characters began to show her layers, developing into someone more.

Her father did not show one ounce of sympathy to her struggle, nor did he consider her dream of being a firefighter. Jones father disregarded how much firefighting meant to her, just so he could satisfy his own needs of protecting her. This death was emotional adrenaline for Dawson, propeling her forward to retry her hand at firefighting. 

Runner-Up: Okay, I'm breaking the rules. I can't pick just one. So I'm heading a little earlier into the season with Chicago Fire Season 2 Episode 10. Watching Casey risk his life and save the baby emotionally wrecked me for the night, while the images and the way the episode was shot are also worth noting. This final act was Casey's heroic moment. 

Worst Episode: Chicago Fire Season 2 Episode 5 because it made the false threat of McLeod making Boden tender his letter of resignation. As we later learned, she was in it for personal gain with a 200K bonus check, but the entire McLeod storyline did not stay true to the series as a whole. Trying to remove the heart and soul of 51 by ousting Boden made this the worst episode of the season. 

Best Character: You may wonder if there's an echo in here after Kelly Severide gets the mention for a second year in a row... yet the man deserve it. Helping those in need is in his DNA; even off duty he worked tirelessly to save the young boy from the bulldozer.

He was also a strong friend to Casey after his traumatic experience and memory issues, continually checking up on the severely burned child from the boarding school. There's a long list of what makes Severide such a wonderful character, but how he treats others is at the top of it. 

Severide To the Rescue

Honorable Mention: While Boden is still one who deserves an honorable mention, Casey gets the call this season. He stepped up big time with Heather's kids, refused to let his second chance with Dawson fly by and stood by Jones' side even when her father doesn't make it easy for him. 

Worst Character: Without any doubt, Gail McLeod wins this dishonor. Vindictive, petty and completely selfish, she encompassed everything we love to hate - and watching her get what was coming to her with a verbal lashing made all the pain and suffering she put us through damn near worth the price of admission. Let's hope the door hit her on the way out. 

Best Emergency:  Watching all of the service personnel come together with Chicago PD and Chicago Medical after the bombing. 

Best Storyline: Jones' suicide was shocking. It served as a tragic end to a character we had mixed feelings about. In the end, though, Jones' story made us laugh and made us cry and we were all heartbroken to see her go. 

Hopes for Season 3: A little less drama and a little more action. Chicago Fire can tell some wonderful stories, but part of the fun of the series is watching them help the men and women who need it. Hopefully, with Dawson heading into the fires full time, Chicago Fire can get back to its roots a bit mor, telling stories that involve the fires and calls rather than serve as a break up between the different stories every week. 

Overall Grade: A.

YOUR turn, TV Fanatics: What grade would you give Chicago Fire Season 2?

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Chicago Fire Quotes

Hey! One hand on the beam, Cal, and I don't care if you're carrying a cow! Men die when they relax!


Wow, this is bad bad bad.
