The Real Housewives of New York City Review: Even Psychotics Get Second Chances

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It's been a long time since we've been back in NYC - and The Real Housewives of New York City Season 6 Episode 1 had us pondering how many psychotics does it take to cast a reality TV show?

We recap the drinks and the apologies in our TV Fanatic +/- review....

We felt like Ramona looks in this photo when Aviva swore that she'd changed and she now wanted to be friends. What?!? 

We can't disagree with Ramona's assessment of Aviva's behavior from last season when she called her insincere, vicious and mean-spirited.  Plus 15 for accuracy because that about covers it. 

But now Aviva swears she's turned over a new leaf and she wants to start over…and Sonja' s buying it. 

Minus 33. Perhaps Sonja's having too much hot sex with young men because she doesn't seem to remember the hideous screaming matches she had with Aviva last season. 

On the upside we'll admit that Sonja's looking really good this season. Whether it's the new hair or the younger men, she's obviously doing something right. Plus 21.

Sonja's friend tells Ramona to consider looking into Aviva's soul. Yikes! Don't do it Ramona. You might not make it back. 

Sonja claims she's read that 1 out of 15 people are psychotic. Those odds must raise considerably when talking about reality TV.  

Ramona keeps asking why Aviva is approaching her now, after so many months have passed by. Um…perhaps because the cameras are rolling once again?

Their lunch date was just plain weird. Wasn't Aviva complaining that Ramona was a drunk last season and now she's offering to throw back tequila shooters with her and get plastered. So if alcohol is the only way Aviva can get close to Ramona then she's willing to hit the bars. Minus 18. 

Is that what Aviva meant by celebrating our differences?

Other than Sonja, no one else wanted anything to do with Aviva either. Heather let her calls go to voicemail and Carole regretted going up to say Hi at the party. 

Finally there's the new girl. Kristen Taekman and her husband Josh were annoying from moment one. 

Starting with her tag line. "She's not the sharpest tool in the shed but she's pretty." Minus 45. She must be so proud.

But she gets a plus 20 saying that Ramona and Sonja reminded her of her drunk aunts. 

What grown woman gets embarrassed about sitting at a restaurant by herself? Minus 10 Kristen. Get a grip. 

I'd love to know how late Josh really was because Kristen acted like she'd been sitting there for an hour. But of course all can be forgiven for a pair of expensive, sparkly earrings. 

I guess that's what it means to be a Real Housewife.

Episode total = -50!  Season total = -50!

Now you make the call. Should Ramona give Aviva a second chance?

If You Can Make It Here Review

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Rating: 1.9 / 5.0 (9 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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