Days of Our Lives Round Table: Wedding Worries

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It was an exciting week on Days of Our Lives as Will and Sonny put out an In-Law Alert as they dealt with the finishing touches for their wedding. As the day looms near, we wonder if there's any hope that it will all go off without a hitch.

Our TV Fanatics Christine Orlando and Nick McHatton are joined by André from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives Fan Forum to debate whether Aidan should look for love with Hope or Kayla, if Eric and Nicole have a future, and who will make a scene at Will and Sonny's wedding.


Would you prefer to see Aidan with Hope or Kayla?

André:  I'd really rather see Aidan with Hope. If Bo were around, that's a different story. But, as it stands, he isn't, and I feel Aidan and Hope should be together. I know it's a tad cliché with the whole hate equals eventual love interest, but I kinda like the idea of these two getting together at some point. I'm actually looking forward to it, if it happens.

Christine:  Surprisingly, I liked the bit of chemistry we saw between Kayla and Aidan in their one scene and since Hope is still married, I'm uncomfortable with anything between she and Aidan happening. Has anyone else noticed that we never see Kayla's son Joe? Wouldn't he be about 6 now? When Kayla said she'd been "on the shelf" she wasn't kidding. I'm for anything that gives her an actual storyline. 

Nick: I'm ready for Hope to move on from Bo since it's clear he's never coming back. I like Hope and Aiden together as they move from enemies to something more. There's been a good buildup and I hope to see it continue.

Do you think Eric will ever commit to Nicole?

André:  I doubt it, and I actually hope he doesn't. Eric has only been out of his position as a priest for a relatively short time. Naturally, he's going to have some reservations about hooking up so soon, no matter how deeply he cares for Nicole. The reason I don't want him to is just the way he treated Nicole in the past. I know Nicole's ready to forgive and forget, but Eric was pretty terrible to her. I don't know that I'd be willing to get together with someone like that. So, in short, no, I don't think Eric will commit to Nicole.

Christine:  Ugh. I feel bad for Nicole. I know she hasn't been completely honest with Eric but it feels like he's jerking her around. First he accuses her of rape, then he begs forgiveness. Then the moment he thinks he can't be a priest he's professing his love to her only to turn and around and say he won't sleep with her. Then he practically proposes marriage only to realize he'll probably never marry her because the church won't approve. I kind of wish he'd move back to Africa and leave the poor girl alone. 

Nick:  Maybe, but Nicole has her own problems right now with the evidence, and until that comes out from hiding Eric will never commit to Nicole. 

Who do you think will cause the biggest scene at Will and Sonny's wedding?

André:  Probably Nick. If he comes, I can just see him making a huge scene at the wedding. I wouldn't be surprised if he reveals to the whole church on that day that Will and Sonny knew about the incident at the river. I can't really think of anyone else that would make a scene at their wedding. Unless, of course, E.J. and Abby come to the wedding and their affair is revealed. I think the Nick scenario is more likely, though.

Christine:  Oh so many possibilities. Nick. Sami and Adrienne. Justin and Lucas. Maybe EJ and Abby. But I expect this wedding to be more humorous than shocking and I've got my fingers crossed that it turns out to be a beautiful day for Sonny and Will.

Nick: I think the speeches more than anything will be the biggest tear jerkers, and I'm hoping Nick makes an appearance to screw things up just a little bit. Boy has a knack for interruptions.

Were you surprised that Theresa chose Brady over the Basic Black job in Europe?

André:  Not at all. Theresa isn't just addicted to drugs, she's addicted to making trouble and bringing others down with her. Maybe she really does like Brady, but I think it's more likely that she is just using him to score more drugs. In my opinion, she sees Brady as another source to get what she wants and be a rebel. If she were to take the Basic Black job, her favorite source of drugs and sex wouldn't be as accessible.

Christine:  I was shocked. I doubt she'd have trouble finding the drugs she enjoys in Europe and if she's as into the finer things as she appears, then the right job doing something she likes could be a step in the right direction. Plus she hates her job and most everyone in Salem, other than Brady. I don't think she really cares about him but perhaps she likes the idea of a sugar daddy more than a career. 

Nick: Theresa is always looking for love and acceptance for her poor behavior. She first finds it with JJ, and now she has it with Brady. So its not surprising at all that she's choosing him over a relocation package. 

What was your favorite scene or story line of the week?

André: Definitely the Sami and Kate scenes. Those two are hilarious together! After years of hating each other and wanting to be rid of each other, they're approaching something in a similar vain to friendship. They work better as a team than as enemies, in my opinion. I hope we get more scenes with those two in this light again.

Christine:  I agree. Sami and Kate as allies and almost friends has been a lot of fun to watch. For whatever differences they have, it's their similarities that bond them. They're both a little crazy and will do absolutely anything to protect their children, including murder if necessary. Heck, they'll even joke about it afterwards. I'm really loving these two. 

Nick:  All the scenes leading up to the wedding. Asking all of the important people to do take part. I really loved Lucas and Justin toasting their sons to living out and proud. Caroline visiting and being so loving of Will and Sonny also tops the list. Oh, and Marlena officiating. So many awesome scenes this week.

What was the most annoying scene of the week?

André: The scenes with Brady. From the way Brady's downward spiral was described, I thought we were going to see a much darker side of Brady. But, much like the past several weeks, all we see Brady do is yell at everyone and sleep with Theresa. Not exactly the downward spiral I was expecting. I hope we get something a bit more substantial and darker for Brady in future.

Christine:  It was Abby going off on EJ for not having any restraint. Was she kidding? I seem to remember her launching herself at him in that cabin and then sneaking into his shower at the health club. Restraint?!?  Talk about revisionist history. I just hate it when Abby whines and paints herself the victim. It's incredibly annoying. 

Nick:  JJ and Paige aren't exactly fun to watch. I'm hoping it heats up or quickly fizzles out. It's a snoozer between them.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.