Castle Round Table: "Like Father, Like Daughter"

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Is there a place for Kate in the close knit relationship between Rick and Alexis?

We can't help but ask that question following Castle Season 6 Episode 7, which featured some serious father and daughter bonding time.

Below, TV Fanatics Chandel Charles and Christine Orlando are joined by Dave and Teresa from the Castle Fan Forum the 12th to debate the future for Kate and Alexis and where they'd like to see Castle and Beckett finally get hitched.


Why do you think Alexis didn't go to Lanie or Beckett for help?
because what better detective than her father. He thinks outside the lines and isn't bound by jurisdiction. It was a rational choice.

Dave:  I think she avoided Beckett because there was still that disconnect that Alexis described in the final scene of "Get a Clue". The only reason I could think of for Lanie is that after interning for her Alexis didn't want to have to ask Lanie to break protocol.

Teresa:  Maybe she feels more comfortable going to the boys rather than the girls as she always goes to her Dad for help. She has never had women she could trust in her life other than her Gram. Her Dad is her BFF, she really doesn't have a girl BFF. Maybe Kate will become that as we progress.

Christine: Perhaps it was because she knows Lanie is close to Kate. Lanie might suggest getting Beckett involved and Alexis just wasn't ready for that. And as Teresa said, on some level Alexis seems more trusting of the boys.  It's almost felt like Ryan and Esposito had become her uncles or older brothers. They all felt a bit like family.

So getting hitched in outer space is out. How do you picture Rick and Kate's wedding?

Chandel:  Not in space. That honor is reserved for Shawn and Juliet of Psych. I picture a rather simple ceremony with a very lavish reception. Plaza Hotel anyone?

Dave: It will be discussed a lot during the season but I could see it being relatively low-key and traditional. That seems more like Kate's style.

Teresa:  Loved the classic Castle diversion for not wanting to go venue hunting. I would love to see a beach wedding at the Hamptons.

Christine: I'm with Teresa on this one. I want a Hamptons wedding on the beach with family and close friends. That sounds absolutely perfect.

Were you surprised to hear Kate echo Gina's thoughts from Castle season 3 about feeling like an outsider when it comes to Rick and Alexis. Will it be different for Kate?

Chandel: I don't think I am surprised to hear Kate echo past sentiments. It's no surprise that Rick and Alexis are close, I just think some people do better blending into tight relationships than others. I think Kate's actions this episode will help her do that.

Dave:  No because even though Kate is closer with Alexis than Gina was, Alexis and her father are so close themselves it is natural for Kate to feel that way. I think it will definitely be different in a positive way for Kate going forward as the last scene showed us.

Teresa: This is such a loving and strong relationship between Father and Daughter. Castle has finally found a woman he can trust enough to share that relationship with and I think Alexis will buy into this but it will be a slow process.

Christine: Castle and Alexis have such a close bond that I think it's natural for it to be a bit intimidating for anyone trying to find their place within this family. It's going to take time and since Alexis is becoming an adult, she'll have as much of a say in the relationship as Kate or Rick. It's going to take work on all their parts but I think they'll do just fine. 

Are you happy with the story arc Alexis has had on Castle Season 6?

Chandel: Yes. She's growing up, and we have every right as an audience to watch that process.

Dave: I was unsure how I felt about it going into this episode, but I really liked how it played out this week. If we see more Kate/Alexis scenes I think it would be really interesting as the season progresses.

Teresa:  We need to see our characters grow and change. Alexis is a young woman trying to figure out where she fits into the world. The relationship with her Dad is too strong for Pi to get between for too long.

Christine: I'm not sure happy is the right word. It's been frustrating but oddly satisfying, much like dealing with any teenager. In this episode I was reminded how young Alexis is. She still has a lot to learn. Watching her grow up is great in small doses, but I'd rather have less Alexis and more Caskett romance.

What was your favorite "Like Father, Like Daughter" scene?

Chandel: Probably when Alexis came to Kate to thank her. I think it was a big moment for them both, and I won't soon forget it!

Dave:  The scene between Lanie and Kate in the morgue.  Lanie gave really good advice and it was nice for Kate to be able to air out some of her concerns. I hope we see more of this during the season.

Teresa: I loved the big hugs and sorry's at the end. They have both been hurting and ached for that hug. The walls are coming down. Nice hug with Alexis and Beckett too with Rick looking so happy that his two women are bonding.

Christine: It's funny Chandel, that that was your favorite because I found it frustrating. I know they hugged in the end but I really wanted to hear what they said to one another in that scene. My favorite scene was Kate telling Castle that Alexis is family to her and that she cares about her too and that he shouldn't feel guilty about spending the weekend with his daughter. That said a lot about how much Kate is trying to make this her family too.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
