Once Upon a Time Review: Never Lose Hope

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When you're surrounded by Lost Boys, it's difficult not to lose hope.

But but if you can hold on to "Good Form" - as the series titled Once Upon a Time Season 3 Episode 5 - maybe it's possible to keep the faith. 

A Future for Hook?

Apparently Henry not only has the heart of the truest believer, he also possesses his own magical powers. Much like the sword, one has to wonder just how Henry will choose to use it. Will he eventually follow the path towards the light or into the dark. 

I'll admit, the thought of Regina and Henry teaming up sounds like a lot of fun. As a matter of fact, I really love Regina here in Neverland. Not only does she get all the best lines, she's more than willing to do what it takes to get the job done. 

I was proud of Emma when she let Regina remove the Lost Boy's heart. When it comes to protecting your kid, you'll do anything. 

I was especially happy to hear Emma refer to Henry as our son. It's been quite some time since she acknowledged Regina's role as a parent to Henry. 

But I think one of my favorite moments was when Regina had to watch Charming and Snow making out and muttered in this Once Upon a Time quote...

What I wouldn't give for another sleeping curse.


Speaking of Charming, when will he tell his family he's not allowed to leave Neverland? First he didn't tell them about being infected by the dreamshade and now he's hiding this. It doesn't say a lot about the prince's trust in his family. 

Hook, on the other hand, turned out to be a stand up guy, both now and in the past. And can I say that I just love that his first name is Killian. Somehow it makes him even hotter.

The scene where his brother died on Neverland was heartbreaking. I knew what was coming and I still got choked up watching it. 

That the betrayal of their king caused Hook to lose his brother and that's what drove him to become a pirate made sense and gave the character an origin of honor to fall back on. 

All of those CaptainSwan fans were cheering when Emma finally kissed the Captain as a thank you for saving her father. Although she called it a one-time thing, I'm not entirely sure she meant it and I'm certain Hook wants more. A lot more.

But as Peter Pan said, now we truly get to find out what type of man Hook is. Will he tell Emma that Neal's alive and help her find him, or keep it a secret in order to get what he wants…which we all know will blow up in his face?

I had one question at the end of this episode: Didn't Pan give Hook that flask from which everyone was drinking? Could he have put the magical water in it? Just a thought for a future twist.

With Neal's fate literally up in the air, who is that hanging next to him? And did you miss Rumpelstiltskin in this episode of Once Upon a Time?


Editor Rating: 4.5 / 5.0
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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
