Once Upon a Time in Wonderland Review: How to Use a Wish

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Once Upon a Time in Wonderland continued on its magical journey though the looking glass and proved there's more than one way to use a wish this week.

Not to mention that nothing is ever forgotten, thanks to the "Forget Me Knot" in Wonderland.

A Merry Man

Apparently there's never been anything petty about Will Scarlet, now known as the Knave of Hearts. He might be a thief at heart but he's always aimed high. As Robin Hood said in this Once Upon a Time in Wonderland quote

Robin Hood: You'd steal a pitchfork from the devil himself.
Knave of Hearts: And be out of Hell before he realized it was gone. | permalink

Conning Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men to steal gold from evil sorcerer Maleficent so he could swipe a magical looking glass for his girlfriend…that's quite the caper.

Makes grabbing a forget me knot from a Grendel look like child's play. And I loved that Alice used her wishes in a way no one could have expected. Thank goodness those pretty little stones are sharp.

Of course the Bandersnatch made things a little more interesting. Who knew a forget me not could also double as a hangman's noose?

I really felt for the Grendel. The Red Queen did a number on him. And when she and Jafar promised to bring back his dead wife, all I could think was that it's against the rules of magic. 

Then that's the point, isn't it? This evil duo is out to change those rules. Of course, the lingering question is why? Who is it that Jafar wants to resurrect and is it for reasons of love or hate? My guess is we've got a ways to go before we find out.

But let's get back to Alice's journey. Now that she's learned the White Rabbit has betrayed her (and I'm sure there's a plausible reason) the Knave of Hearts is truly her only ally in her quest to find Cyrus. 

I was ever so happy he chose not to give the forget me knot to the caterpillar. First, because the creature borders on sleazy. He kind of makes my skin crawl which I suppose is fitting for a giant bug. 

Secondly, because deciding not to use the magical piece of rope for his own gain proved he's a true friend to Alice and she needs someone she can trust. Perhaps they both do. 

The best twist was learning that Anastasia is actually the Red Queen. I never saw that one coming.

Was she using Will Scarlet all along to get to Wonderland or did she change once she got there? And what will her reaction be when she sees her ex-lover once again? If Wonderland is where you go to become the person you've always wanted to be, what does that say for our heroes and villains and who will they become next?


Editor Rating: 4.3 / 5.0
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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Reviews Quotes

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


You know what I wanted to do with my life? To be? Penny's goddamned girlfriend. I acted tough but all I wanted was him.
