Castle Round Table: "Need to Know"

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This week's Castle was all about who had the biggest "Need to Know" and what they did with the information once they got it.

Below, our Round Table team of TV Fanatics Chandel Charles, Jim Garner, and Christine Orlando are joined by Jennifer from the Castle fan forum The 12th as we find out who was surprised by how Beckett and the FBI parted ways and how difficult they think it should be for her to head back to the 12th.


What was your favorite scene from the episode?

Chandel: Probably the opening sequence with Beckett and Castle FaceTime-ing. It reminded me of my boyfriend and I Skyping when I was still in college, so I identified with the sentiment and the feeling that it just wasn't enough!

Jim: I loved Rick finally stating that he could write from anywhere and got an apartment in DC. The look on Kate's face was priceless!

Jennifer: It’s hard to pick just one because each scene is special in its own right. But, because I love to laugh, I’ll narrow it down to any of the scenes in which Ryan and Esposito gave Castle a hard time. Oh, and the latte bribing scene.

Christine: I'm with Jim. I loved how Kate's expression ranged from panic and confusion to pure joy when Castle gave her the key.  I think for a moment she may have thought he was ending their engagement she looked so scared. The way she jumped into his arms completely made the moment.

Were you surprised Beckett got fired?

Chandel: No, it was either she left or got fired, and getting fired was definitely a lot more dramatic. You could see what amounted to a lack of justice inside her Fed job mounting quickly, something had to happen eventually.

Jim: I'm more surprised they found out so quickly that she had tipped off the press. I would have expected it to take at least a few weeks to come out. Guess they were done with the "Agent" storyline.

Jennifer: I was surprised actually. I was of the honest opinion that she would choose to return to NY after everything that has transpired. The idea she would be fired didn’t even cross my mind.

Christine: Like Jennifer, I didn't see it coming. I really thought she'd decide to quit but depending where this goes, I might like her getting fired even better. It could be fun watching Kate flounder a bit as she tries to get back into the 12th…and of course Castle will be there to help her through it.

Is Martha right in believing Pi is just a phase Alexis is going through?

Chandel: I am not sure. They could be soulmates and just not know it yet. You really never know.

Jim: Having three nieces and watching them grow up, I would pretty much assume all boys met before 30 might be a phase.

Jennifer:  I do agree with Martha on that one.

Christine: Yes, but my guess is that it's also Alexis (perhaps subconscious) way of acting out over her father's engagement. We have to assume he never spoke to Alexis before popping the question and as she's been the most important person in his life for 19 years, she might not handle that so well.

What was your favorite TV show growing up?

Chandel: I had so many it's really hard to choose. Boy Meets World was always a favorite on TGIF on ABC. Psych would be another one, except it's actually still running on USA Network. Explains why I still have growing up to do!

Jim: There were so many, so I will go with my first favorite show: The Six Million Dollar Man. I was allowed to stay up an hour late on Weds to watch the show.

Jennifer: I really didn’t have an overall favorite except for maybe Tom and Jerry re-runs. I do, however, have fond memories of watching shows like Walker: Texas Ranger and Diagnose, Murder with my mother and grandmother, so I suppose those can count as favorites, too.

Christine: The Monkees (reruns age 3), Super Friends (age 5), The Dukes of Hazzard (age 7), M*A*S*H (age 9), The A-Team (age 11), Scarecrow & Mrs. King (age 13), Moonlighting (age 15). And I still enjoy every one of them.  Is it any wonder how I ended up reviewing TV shows?

Should Detective Sullivan stick around the 12th?

Chandel: I definitely think so. Then again, do we really have enough screen time for that many leading characters? Maybe he should drop in ocassionally. Really liked him, though.

Jim: Only if he can find a trash can. Talk about disgusting, his desk was horrible.

Jennifer: I would say he would be an interesting character to have pop into the picture every once and awhile. But, if he does stay he better be getting himself a new desk and possibly, a bigger trash can. A few organizers wouldn’t hurt either.

Christine: I liked him well enough but not enough to take screen time from all of my favorites so in that case, I'm okay with Sully moving along.

How difficult should it be for Beckett to get her job back at the 12th?

Chandel:  I wouldn't expect it to be too difficult. Then again, a little extra obstacle never hurt any drama

Jim: In reality, she would go to which ever precinct needed her and it would take months. Thankfully this is a TV show and I suspect she will be welcomed with open arms onto the very first case she can help with.

Jennifer: As far as difficulty goes, I would say however difficult it needs to be in a TV world. In real life I can imagine it would not be easy to get her old job after all, it can be assumed she had to fully resign in order to take up the position with the Feds; from that I would think it would mean in real life she would have to re-apply for the NYPD completely but, I could be wrong.

Christine: I hope they don't make it too easy. I'd like to see Kate have to struggle a bit to get back what she left, at least for an episode or two. Then we can get back to our regularly scheduled Castle.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
