Castle Review: She Dotted the i!

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It took Richard Castle's "Number One Fan" to set things right once again at the 12th precinct - and I couldn't be happier. 

So let's start at the beginning…

An Armed Suspect

Just as I had hoped, Kate Beckett was in an emotional free fall after the Feds fired her. She was even floundering around in Castle's bed, lamenting her options since the NYPD refused to let her back in due to a hiring freeze. 

Kate: What am I going to do, just sleep in every morning and screw around till the phone rings? What kind of life is that?
Castle: Mine. | permalink

And you can't say Castle doesn't make it look good. But how about a whole new theme for Castle season 6? Kate Beckett: Mall Cop. Probably not, but Beckett's probably the only woman in the world who could rock that uniform.

Moving on…

The loft has gotten way too cozy. I couldn't believe it when Pi just walked into Castle's bedroom unannounced. I wouldn't tolerate that type of behavior from a family member,  never mind a houseguest. I have to assume that sooner or later things will come to a head.

Until then, I'll just keep repeating my mantra, believing that eventually I will get my wish. It's time for Pi to go. 

Guest star Alicia Lagano did a wonderful job as Emma Riggs. The character was unstable enough to be scary yet vulnerable enough to make me care. 

I also loved that Castle's first response was to get the mother and child out of the hostage situation, even if it meant putting himself in harm's way to do it. 

And I thought Kate hit just the right notes of humor, confidence in Castle and fear for his safety as she told him in this Castle quote

Kate: I've been kind of looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you so don't do anything stupid in there, OK?
Castle: Don't worry. I think I've already hit my stupid quota for the day. | permalink

It was wonderful to see the entire team working together once again. Lanie was finally back and never mind the dead body or the hostage situation. Lanie wanted to know about the important things... a Caskett wedding! But Beckett told her they hadn't set a date yet and just wanted to enjoy their engagement. 

Since we're only up to episode 4, I can get on board with that plan.

Did anyone else wish Castle would have duct taped the jerk in the dentist's office? Although I did love Castle's comment about him having watched Die Hard one too many times. And I found it very funny that the man most vocal about getting out of a hostage situation was the one to ask if the donuts were gluten free.

Castle: Dude, they're donuts. Either you're in or you're out. | permalink

I wish last week's promo for this episode hadn't given away Castle being shot. It would have been much more dramatic if I hadn't seen it coming. However, I did love Castle's amazement at how the vest worked and how Emma's bullet dotted the i in Writer. It was a very Castle moment. 

I worried that Emma's father would end up being the bad guy and was greatly relieved when that turned out not to be the case. After a very hard life, it's about time Emma had someone in her corner. And I couldn't get enough of having the boys back together yet again.

Ryan: What does it say about your writing when your number one fan tries to kill you?
Castle: That was an accident.
Esposito: One inch higher it would have been a tragedy. | permalink

Beckett and Gates also made quite the team. Captain Gates has come a long way. She took over the interview of Aaron Stokes not because she didn't trust the boys but because she wanted to protect them from any fall out. Then she went out of her way to get Beckett her job back.  

She even gave Beckett an engagement gift. Richard Castle as her trusty sidekick…or should I say partner, once again.

Overall I had just one complaint: I wanted a longer kiss at the end. Nit picky I know but that won't stop me from asking for more.

But really, with romance, mystery and a Nikki Heat pop quiz, what more could Castle fans ask for?


Editor Rating: 4.6 / 5.0
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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
