Alexis Castle: Love Her or Hate Her?

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Alexis Castle first graced our screens as one of the most mature, responsible children seen on TV in years.

So it's a little surprising to hear fans using words like selfish, irresponsible and foolish when speaking about Rick Castle's teenage daughter.

Below, we look at both sides of the Alexis Castle debate. After six seasons, it's time to decide if Alexis has become a barely tolerable spoiled brat... or simply a typical young lady going through some growing pains. Weigh in now!


Who's Had Enough of Alexis Castle?

Oh, how things have changed.

Over the years Alexis Castle has been given everything by her overly generous and incredibly loving father... and yet more and more we watch her push the limits. This season her behavior may have pushed us to ours.

Who is this girl who wanders home from her jungle adventure (one which Daddy paid for) with a freeloading boyfriend in tow? Who replaced our well-mannered teen with this inconsiderate brat who doesn't even consult her father before having an annoying moocher take up residence on the sofa?

Is this really the same Alexis who diligently weighed the pros and cons of a long distance relationship? Are we now suppose to believe she'd move in with some guy she just met because he can't afford a place of his own?

And when her father questions her decision, she throws it back in his face, reminding him of his own past mistakes and how he's always said she's the smartest person in the family, not him.

Although Alexis claims she can pay her half of the rent with her work/study job, we're guessing she still has Daddy's credit cards in her purse.

Our favorite TV teen has gone from loving and responsible to self absorbed and inconsiderate. Alexis' behavior is reminding us a lot more of her mother, Meredith, and we're not the least bit pleased.

Bring back the old Alexis…because the one on our screens on Castle season 6 is simply intolerable!

Welcoming Visitors

We'll Always Love Alexis!

These are challenging times for Alexis Castle.

Let's face it. She's led a bit of a sheltered life as the only daughter of the famous Richard Castle. The two have always been an inseparable team. No woman - not Alexis' mother nor ex-wife Gina - ever came close to the depth of love and devotion Castle held for his only daughter.

Until Kate Beckett walked in.

The type of love may be different but the feeling runs just as deep… and that's virgin territory for Alexis. Whether the girl realizes it on a conscious level or not, that's having an affect on her behavior.

So in walks Pi who is cute, fun and doesn't understand boundaries. Remind you of anyone? Plus, he seems to need some taking care of... perhaps the way Alexis used to take care of her dad before Kate took over the job.

Yes, Alexis is a smart girl who's main focus has been her studies and, yes, she once researched the pros and cons of long distance relationship before jumping in. But this is also the same girl who decided to cut her senior year short to follow her boyfriend. And she once considered being an Economics major simply so she and Ashley could spend more time together.

What I'm saying is that perhaps Alexis hasn't changed as much as we think. She may have moments where she appears inconsistent and inconsiderate but don't most teenagers from time to time?

Alexis is finding her way, growing up and figuring out who she is. Is moving in with Pi a mistake? Most likely but we all make them and Alexis is smart enough to learn from hers. And hasn't Castle always pushed Alexis to take more chances and have more fun?  Well, be careful what you wish for.

Whether Alexis has found her one and done or it all falls apart, both she and the audience know that she'll always have Castle there with open arms, no matter what.

Now it's your turn, TV Fanatics. Answer our poll and then give us your thoughts on the Alexis debate in the comments below.

What's happening with Alexis Castle?

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
