Mistresses Review: Love Bites

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Everyone was looking for "Full Disclosure" this week on Mistresses. But be careful what you wish for, people. It just might bite back.

All four of the lovely ladies debated how much truth to tell. Let's start with the most self destructive...

Facing Her Colleagues

Dr. Karen Kim, who's spent this entire season lying through her perfect pearly whites, chose a legal deposition to tell the truth. Never mind that doing so went against every word of her high priced attorney's advice.

Karen: And now my conscience is clear...I doubt you can say the same. | permalink

I'm sure that spouting this line to Elizabeth Grey was completely satisfying in the moment, but will it sustain her when she's stripped of her medical license? And I'm sure those words will lose some of their luster when she's remembering them from behind prison bars. 

Not to mention that she just blew whatever chance she might have had with her partner Jacob (who's secretly in love with her) and Investigator Anthony (handsome guy with the hots for her).

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around why she slept with Sam. The kid waffles between immature weasel and creepy stalker. Was it all about gaining an alibi? Because, if so, the joke was definitely on Karen. Or maybe she should have followed up and answered his calls after their roll in the hay?

Moving on to April, her OMG! moment had to wait until the very end. 

First, Paul agreed to leave town. Since I still don't trust the guy half as far as I could throw him, that felt all too easy. 

Then April and Richard made up. Thank goodness. He seems like a really good guy and these two could be good for one another. Heck, he's so good he even managed to put Lucy and April's relationship ahead of his own feelings. How many guys can do that?

I was totally torn over what April should tell Lucy. On the one hand, I agree with Karen. There's no way this kind of revelation doesn't mess the kid up. 

But Richard's point was stronger. If she finds out some other way, which we all know she will, then she will never trust her mother again. Better to have a damaged relationship with her presumed dead daddy than to lose faith in both of her parents just as she hits the teenage years. That's a recipe for disaster.

Unfortunately it might be too late. Has Lucy already found out the truth and taken off? Did Paul decide to take matters into his own hands? April's world came crashing down outside of that school and there's no telling what happens when the dust finally settles.

Oh, Joss. What a mess.

That said, I loved her hypothetical debate with Alex about what constituted cheating in lesbian land. As Alex tried to ask about Joss' needs in this not so delicate Mistresses quote...

Is your body craving...do you feel it needs like a sausage or a hot dog or something? | permalink

Apparently Joss was craving something french as she and Olivier hit the sofa and the floor. I'm sure if it weren't for his exuberant love bites Joss would have never mentioned the encounter. 

A hypothetical sausage was one thing. The real thing, with her boss no less, was quite another. Granted, Joss and Alex were still working out their boundaries, but it's obvious that Joss crossed a line. 

Could this be the end of a beautiful friendship and Joss' lesbian love tryst all in one?

Finally we get to Savi, who was absent for most of the episode, having been sent off to New York on business. Dom not only booked her trip so she wouldn't have to see Karen go down in flames, he made sure he did it in style with first class accommodations and prenatal massage appointments. 

You've got to love a guy who knows how to make a woman feel special.

On the flip side Harry was telling Joss that his marriage was all but over... until he found out the paternity results were in. 

Was I the only one who hit the pause button on that computer screen? Where it said Results: Positive, did that mean Harry was the father or did I read that wrong?

So with only two episode left on Mistresses Season 1, will we ever find out who the Daddy is? Are Alex and Joss splitsville? Is Lucy in the clutches of her presumed dead daddy? And was Karen being stupid, honorable or both? 


Editor Rating: 4.4 / 5.0
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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Reviews Quotes

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


You know what I wanted to do with my life? To be? Penny's goddamned girlfriend. I acted tough but all I wanted was him.
