Mistresses Review: From Curious to Kinky

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From curious to kinky, Mistresses finally returned and I couldn't be happier the soapy, sexy drama was back. There have been far to few "Indecent Proposals" and OMG! moments on my TV these last few weeks. 

Shall we start with the kinky?

Karen and Sam

Because once you've had a torrid affair with your terminally ill patient, kinky is one of the few appropriate words for bedding his son whose been stalking you. Karen keeps lamenting her innocence but the girl is just all kinds of messed up. Not to mention she's hardly innocent. 

Let's recap: She prescribed her married lover/patient lethal doses of morphine. She later destroyed her medical records  to cover her tracks. Then she wrote up false patient notes when said married lover's wife called her out. 

Neither Karen nor Elizabeth Grey are innocents, but where Elizabeth is diabolical enough to have knocked off her cheating hubby, Karen is dumb enough to take the fall for it.  And is Karen grinding on Sam in her black lace because she's trying to secure an alibi? Or is she suddenly hot for the kid she was worried would break into her house a couple of weeks ago? Will Dr. Kim ever come to her senses and notice Jacob, her hot partner across the hall or is he just too stable for her?  

Moving on…

I am of April for verbally sucker punching Paul with this Mistresses quote

 You can't lose what you don't have. Go back to your family in Florida because you've got no family here. | permalink

But I'm  equally upset with her for chastising Richard. Yes, he was being a bit of a caveman but his protectiveness came from a good place. 

Richard is handsome and nice and is willing to tell her creepy formerly dead husband where to step off. He's a guy you want in your corner, not one you want to push away. 

I know April's worried about losing her store if she has to give back the insurance money and concerned about Lucy's reaction to her sainted father's betrayal, not to mention her half sibling but maybe she should drop a dime on Paul. The longer he's in town, the more it could look like she's a part of this mess. 

As odd as this sounds, Joss had the tamest story for the night... that is, if you don't count the bustier and tight jeans. 

With Alex home with the flu, Joss hit the town and helped Olivier show a client a good time with some kinky burlesque.  I admit I never saw the DeLorean coming. That Olivier is a huge fan of the Back to the Future movies made me laugh out loud.

He also seems to be a fan of Joss. is Joss already getting bored with Alex? Will she be craving something French before the season is over?

Finally, we got to Savi and dammit! When the heck will someone rip open that damned envelope? That was a great scene between Savi and Joss as Savi compared Harry to Ricky Ricardo with a different accent. He's always there to take care of things...until now. 

Savi's pregnancy brain kicked into overdrive the moment she let Dom in the house. I kept waiting for Harry to walk in and I thought perhaps she'd avoided disaster when it was Joss instead. 

Dom's a smart guy. He cares for Savi and he's not backing down, even when Joss tries to scare him away. 

Dom: Life's a negotiation and I'm a damn good lawyer. | permalink

He certainly seems to be negotiating his way into Savi's heart. If that baby turns out to be his I'm fairly certain he can close the deal. 

Unfortunately, even if the baby is Harry's, I'm not sure he and Savi can put their marriage back together. Harry's being a jerk and I have to keep reminding myself that he has reason to be a jerk. The problem is that with each passing week, I'm liking Dom more and more.

And is Harry so thoroughly depressed that he doesn't care about the restaurant or is he just so use to Savi bailing them out financially that he has no concept how bad things really are?

So with Mistresses back, do you think Joss and Alex are already in trouble? Am I the only one kind of rooting for Karen's downward spiral to continue? Should Richard and April be afraid of Paul? And are you Team Harry or Team Dom?


Editor Rating: 4.7 / 5.0
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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Reviews Quotes

Yea, thanks. And by thanks I mean, thank you for deciding that I should age, grow old, and probably die from a paper cut. Oh yea, and that I'll never get to do magic again. Because I'm perfect now! Did Professor Lipson tell you? I'm perfectly normal, and we all know magic doesn't come from normal so thank you for deciding that without me.


You know what I wanted to do with my life? To be? Penny's goddamned girlfriend. I acted tough but all I wanted was him.
