Grey's Anatomy Season 9 Report Card: B-

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Grey's Anatomy was hit with a major storm both physically and emotionally over the past few months, as babies were born... relationships rattled and rekindled... the hospital found new owners... and new roads were just beginning.

While we wait for the doors of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital to reopen its doors next fall, let's read on to find out how Grey's Anatomy Season 9 fared in our latest TV Fanatic Report Card...

Grey Sloan Staff Meeting

Best Episode: While there were good choices like the premiere dealing with the after effects of the crash or "Run, Baby, Run" having Miranda trying to save Webber's wife instead of going to her own wedding, I'm going to pick "Beautiful Doom."

As much as I like a majority of the collective cast, there was something rather focused by centering the story on Meredith and Cristina. Not only was I actually disappointed that Feeny/Dr. Thomas died (I was really hoping he would come back to Seattle. I mean, how great of a character was he!) but it ultimately propelled Cristina back to her rightful home. At the same time, Meredith was forced to face a case that was similar to Lexie's death. This was an episode that showed some great growth from the two leads.

Worst Episode: Despite loving the twist at the end with Jackson being anointed the new boss, "This Is Why We Fight" left me more tired and annoyed at the predicament the hospital had been placed in because of the crash lawsuit/settlement. It was great that the survivors cared enough to want to put their all into keeping the hospital on their terms, but the whole concept of what to do felt dragged out. Not only that, but it was hard for me to get past the fact that the entire reason they were in trouble was because the hospital couldn't afford to pay the survivors in the first place, thus allowing for this cyclical problem. It was an interesting story arc at the outset of the season that became too ridiculous to feel invested in near the end.

Best Character: Cristina wins this one. She's smart, determined, and pretty blunt, all while having some great snarky humor and a real heart when it comes to the more emotional aspects of the show. I was pleased she wasn't rushed back to Seattle after one episode away, but rather we got to see her grow as a character, find a great relationship with Dr. Thomas, rekindle the relationship with Hunt (although not a fan of how it was left in the finale), and return to her home back on positive track.

Worst Character: An easy answer would be April as her crazy antics and decisions put her all over the place, all of the time. Yet, at least there are moments where we get to see a character through it, even if the writers aren't sure what they want to do with her. That said, I'm going to pass the torch off to the interns. They had certain moments of course, and Jo's been the one most focused on becoming a real character (except, really? Jo is the one who hurt her boyfriend?), but for the most part, the interns have been more or less just there. Maybe with more time, I can get on board, and maybe they can become more than just the helpers for their respective scenes. I've got to want to care about them at some point as much as we've all grown to care about the main cast right now.

Best relationship: Even though at the very end of the season finale, things were not looking too good, I still really like Cristina and Owen together. They have great chemistry and are rather fun to watch. That said, I guess the point about wanting or not wanting kids is crucial in whether or not their relationship can actually survive. I'm hoping it can, but at this point, I'm not sure that's the direction the show is going to take. (And sure, you could say Meredith and Derek just because they are Meredith and Derek).

Relationship in most trouble: I'm a little shocked about this one, but Arizona and Callie are in definite hot water. I never expected Arizona to cheat, only do some flirting, but it's put the two who have been pretty good together on major outs. I'm not sure if they can recover from this one.

Hopes for Season 10: Can you even believe 10 seasons? It feels so long ago when Meredith and the gang were just getting started. I hope we get a little reflection, see Alex find a girl (be it Jo or not), pair up some of the characters not normally put together as much, solving more crazy cases and just getting back to getting down. Oh, and hopefully Webber is alive!

Really, I'm just curious about what the larger story arc that spans the season will be, but hopefully (whether it is the last or just the next in more seasons) Grey's Anatomy Season 10 brings out something that feels fresh and keeps in line with what fans have come to know and enjoy about the series.

Overall Grade: B-

YOUR turn, TV Fanatics: What grade would you give Grey's Anatomy Season 9?

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.