Once Upon a Time "Cricket Game" Teasers: Murder & Magic!

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Murder and more magic are about to come to Storybrooke.

TV Fanatic was on hand yesterday at the Disney lot in Burbank, where Once Upon a Time Producers/Creators Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis offered up an invite-only screening of this Sunday’s all-new episode, "The Cricket Game."

The 2013 premiere will find Cora and Hook arriving in town, but deciding to keep a low profile (for now) so they can properly plot against our favorite residents. The big thrust of the episode in both present and past, though, is whether Regina/Evil Queen can truly change from bad to good.

Below, Kitsis and Horowitz tease five other developments sure to take viewers by storm and surprise...

Cora with Hook

Murder comes to Storybrooke. It’s never fun to watch a beloved character bite the dust, but fans will nee to prepare themselves. "We can kill anyone,” Horowitz said, half-joking, while Kitsis added: “I think death’s a big deal, obviously, and killing off a main character for us, it is obviously something we’ve done with Sheriff Graham, which I still get death threats about…”

Someone uses magic for the first time in Storybrooke. The producers were mum about how this is going to play out moving forward, but they’re excited about delving into this new arena for this character. And, of course, we’re reminded that magic always comes with a price.. and, for a change, it’s not Rumple who offers that reminder.

We Are Family! “It’s fun to see them together again,” said Kitsis about the newly reunited Charming and Snow (who we get to see getting cozy in bed!). But look for the lovebirds to adjust to being parents to Emma just as Emma will be learning the ups and downs of being a parent to young Henry.

Horowitz explained that while the first half of Once Upon a Time Season 2 dealt with the return of memories, “going forward it’s ‘well, what does this mean being a family? What does it mean being in this world with these memories? And with this new strange familial relationship and what do we want now?”

Cora works hard to get what she wants... And what she wants is to break daughter Regina and get her back on the dark side of things. You’ll see a lot of that play out in Sunday’s episode but, as Kitsis points out, “the real question is how persuasive is Cora?” Because Regina has been staying away from magic to appease Henry, he added,  “[for] somebody who has been off magic, will it return?”

Shipping!! Romance is on the horizon for many of our characters: “We’re actually going to see a lot of Rumple and Belle coming up,” said Kitsis. “The second half of the season [Rumple] is going to collect that favor for Emma and go in search of his son. He and Belle are definitely going to face definite challenges.”

And while we don’t get to see Hook and Emma interact in this Sunday’s episode, Emma will have more just one prospect in the dating department: “Emma is going to find herself with a few choices this season,” Kitsis said, confirming what we really want to know: that Hook will be keeping his ‘manliner’ once he arrives in Storybrooke. He just may need those dark sexy eyes to woo Emma, right?

What do you think, TV Fanatics? Return tomorrow for more Once Upon a Time casting scoop!

Jim Halterman is the West Coast Editor of TV Fanatic and the owner of JimHalterman.com. Follow him on Twitter.

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Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

Are the nuns still nuns, or can they, you know, date?
