Supernatural Midseason Report Card: B

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Well, the world's still here, so we can only assume that Sam and Dean Winchester have saved the day again.

What better way to celebrate than with another TV Fanatic Report Card? Following in the likes of our Grimm report card and The Walking Dead report card, scroll on down to see what we thought of Supernatural Season 8...

Young Men in Suits

Best Episode: "A Little Slice of Kevin." Angels. Demons. Tablets. Kevin Tran. This was an episode where Sam and Dean worked together, got to the heart of the mythology, and really showed how promising the main story and direction can be. Packed to the brim with humor, drama, and crazy twists? I'll take another slice.

Worst Episode: "Bitten." Some might disagree, and I do appreciate the show trying something new, but this episode was a found footage fail. With Sam and Dean barely there, sometimes it was easy to forget this was season eight. And the characters we did get to spend time with were hardly memorable. It all felt a little off for me.

Best Character: Sam, Dean, and even Castiel might be my core favorites, but that's because they headline the show. Yet, Benny as the good hearted vampire has been a great addition. Not only has he revealed a lot about Dean's character and the time in Purgatory, but he provides an intriguing friend. Plus Ty Olssen who portrays Benny has some serious acting chops to make the bloodsucker a likable character with some depth. It does make me wonder how long he can stick around before something bad happens though...

Worst Character: Sorry Amelia. I hate to hate on Sam's new girlfriend, but I've really been having a hard time seeing the spark between her and the Winchester bro. I want her to be Sam's hope for a normal life, but every scene with her feels unnatural and more of a forced pairing. I just hope the second half can really prove why Amelia is the one for Sam without me rolling my eyes at every overly glowing flashback.

Best Interrogation of a Cat: Nobody can play good cop/bad cop quite like Castiel which made his detective work in "Hunteri Heroici" that much funnier. Castiel's attempts at cracking the furry feline, let alone trying to solve the case was hilarious. And the cat's response of "dumbass" was icing on that comedy cake.

Overall Grade: B

Hopes for 2013: I really want to get back to the heart of the mythology with Crowley, the tablets, and the angels. And I know Sam and Dean fight all the time, brothers do do that sometimes, but I'd love to see them finally get over their problems and work together. And of course, more pie. Dean loves his pie like he loves his women: hot. After eight seasons, this show still holds plenty of promise, and I'm ready to follow the Winchester brothers to their final stand. Pull on your flannel and hit the gas, 2013 here we come!

Your turn, TV Fanatics! What grade would you give the first half of Supernatural Season 8?

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Supernatural Quotes

I'll keep fighting. I'll keep swinging til I got nothing left.


Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.
