Supernatural Review: Heads Will Roll

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There's just something that feels perfectly right with a Supernatural episode airing on Halloween.

Sure, you may have been scarfing down treats and carving pumpkins, but Dean decided to spend his time scarfing Toblerone and carving vampires. A lot of vampires. As in, so many headless vampires and even a few decapitated Leviathan just for added kicks.

We all have our different definitions of a fun evening, right?

Dean on His Own

While last week's episode divided the fandom, "Blood Brother" got back on track with Sam and Dean at the forefront and the ever-so-slightly revealing flashbacks of that missing year.

And did I mention lots of vampires getting their heads chopped off?

I guess it was only a matter of time until Dean's Purgatory buddy, Benny, came to call driving the Winchester brother to act elusive before running off on "personal stuff."

Secrets don't make friends, Dean.

I am a little shocked that in coming back into focusing on Sam and Dean, the episode split them up, but Dean and Benny's storyline was interesting enough that it was okay. But let's be clear, from now on, let's keep keep the actual blood brothers together.

Ty Olsson (Benny) brings a great many layers to his character that under perhaps less talented hands might fall apart into cheesy forced territory.

There's a real camaraderie between Benny and Dean, which is nicely contrasted with the Purgatory flashbacks in which the two guys need each other, as opposed to being friends with each other. You get to see a level of growth between the two but also specifically in themselves.

Sure, Dean's got no problem swinging that beast of a weapon through his blood-sucking enemies with an effortless cool, but at the same time he's willing to potentially throw himself in the nest for a friend.

But is Benny the exception to the rule?

I'm curious to see how that relationship evolves, especially with Sam thrown into the mix.

Benny's story of falling in love with Andrea and having nothing else matter was instantly reflective of Sam and his time off. It seemed that for both of them, everything else before just didn't matter and they become lost in love. Although I'm still waiting to really see that in Sam and Amelia, but it was a great cross reference.

Except it is interesting that Benny coming back and being that changed person ended up with the girl he loved getting cut through by Dean. That makes another girlfriend monster killed by Dean, doesn't it?

Does that mean that there's no hope for Sam and Amelia?

I'm still having a hard time with Sam's flashbacks and I'm not sure if they just seem so tame compared to Dean fighting off enemies with Castiel or because the idea of watching Sam do fix-it things with his time seems unnatural.

And I get that of the two brothers, Sam makes the most sense in being comfortable and settled in the "normal" world, but after having watched Sam do pretty much nothing but hunt the creatures of the night for eight years, it feels so not normal.

And I'm still on the fence about Amelia. She's got Sam pegged as a person and he seems to have her pegged as well, but I'm waiting for their relationship to blossom into being able to understand the thing that would cause Sam to give up the hunting life. I guess we will have to wait and see.

That said, Sam finally getting to meet Benny for the first was a great moment. I had no idea how he would react.

Would he understand? Would he be pissed?

He was certainly shocked and confused. A vampire for a pal? This is Dean "a monster is a monster" Winchester after all.

Those two have a lot to talk about and I think allowing the brothers to more openly discuss to each other the dramatic changes will be a great furthering step for the season.

That and finding Kevin Tran of Advanced Placement.

When it comes down to it though, with all the bouncing heads, deep-seated secrets, and scary Vampirate goodness, there's just nothing like getting to watch Supernatural on a Halloween night.

Blood Brother Review

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Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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