NCIS Burning Question: Where is McGee?

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Where is Tim?

It's a question many NCIS fans have been asking since May, and one Gary Glasberg touched on in a recent interview with Xfinity. Regarding why McGee isn't in any Season 10 promos, the executive producer says:

"You know what? Everyone reacted to the promo we put out because we didn’t see him. I wish I could take credit for that. I am happy everyone is guessing. McGee has an interesting story."

"He is always there for us for any technological snafu. There is some really fun stuff that is coming up with him. We are going to touch on his personal life. It is no mistake that he talks to his grandmother and discusses his father."

"We will have to see later in the season where that goes."

A Tim McGee Pic

For anyone concerned that McGee had somehow been killed off ... exhale.

Regarding the overall theme of this season and beyond, Glasberg adds:

"It is the tenth season of our show. That alone is an accomplishment. Moving forward from season ten, I want to dive into these characters even more than we have in the last ten years."

"Part of that is seeing them when they are facing adversity, when they have been hurt and they are down, and watching them rise back up again. That [common theme], whether it is directly touched upon or indirectly, does sort of carry through in a lot of the storylines that we are doing.”

What do you make of that last quote? Comment below, and follow these links for teases from NCIS Season 10 season premiere, as well as TV Fanatic's exclusive interview with Glasberg for more on the coming season.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
