Pretty Little Liars: Who is On the A Team?

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We’re only four episodes in, but things are really starting to heat up on Pretty Little Liars Season 3.

Although one of the biggest mysteries of the show was supposedly resolved last season, most of us figured there would be plenty of A-related drama to come this summer. But not many of us could have predicted just how dangerous of a game the new stalker(s) would be playing.

So, we return to our original mystery: Who is A? Or rather, who is part of the A-Team?


Mona confessed to being A during the Pretty Little Liars Season 2 finale and we now know she wasn’t working alone. Is Mona still pulling the strings from Radley Sanitarium? Or is someone else the leader? Mona’s been playing crazy fairly well these last few weeks, but I think it’s just a clever ploy. But to what end?

Season 3 Premiere Photo

Melissa has acted very suspiciously for quite some time, and we recently discovered that she lost her baby much earlier than she initially claimed. Was she even pregnant at all? She confessed to being the black swan at the masquerade ball, but said she was blackmailed into wearing it. Clearly, Melissa has plenty to hide and a few axes to grind:

  • She was in Allison’s room the night she died.
  • Allison was fooling around with her boyfriend at the time, Ian.
  • Spencer has kissed not one but two of her significant others.

Even Melissa’s parents were suspicion of her behavior leading up to and following Allison’s disappearance. She was even involved with one of our other suspects, Garrett, right before he was arrested for Allison and Maya’s murders. Melissa is high up on my list of possible A-team members.

Garrett’s recent arrest has cast some doubt on his guilt. He was definitely involved in some shady business when he was dating Jenna and during his time as a NAT club member. However, he must know something pretty important if Spencer’s mom is willing to represent him. Is he a villain or just misunderstood?

Jenna has been off the A-radar since she was almost killed in that house fire. BUT she deliberately concealed the fact that she can see again... until the girls busted her using her newly acquired eyesight. Was she really just playing defenseless to protect herself? Jenna’s always seemed like a red herring on the show, but we shouldn’t forget that she and Mona were getting pretty friendly in that Halloween episode, “The First Secret.”

And what about Wren? It seems awfully convenient that he’s volunteering at the same hospital to which Mona has been committed. Plus, he always seems to insinuate himself into the girls lives, especially as a romantic rival.

Lucas has turned into a very disillusioned youth. He’s sullen and rude; plus, he burns things at school. Does this rebellious behavior have anything to do with the A-team? To what extent is Lucas involved with A? Or is Lucas really just fed up with being Hanna’s pet?

Can you think of any other possible members of the A-team?

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Pretty Little Liars Quotes

Fine, but we should go talk to Ezra. If he has any information on Varjak, we need to know.


Mona is five feet
of insidious snark with a side ponytail,
and I just -- I wanna grab it, and I wanna yank it really, really hard.
