Couples Commentary: Will They? Won't They? Should They?

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When Castle and Beckett hit the sheets - or was it the doorframe? - on the Castle season finale, fans swooned as one of the most popular will they/won't they couples on TV settled on the former: They will. They did.

Bubbling sexual chemistry is a staple of TV, but taking two characters from flirting to bedding has often met with mixed results. 

Will it work out for Castle and Beckett? We'll be glued to the screen this fall to find out. Should these other teetering tandems go all the way? Or remain friends/co-workers? Weigh in now!


Tony and Ziva (NCIS) - They're more than just partners, but not quite a couple. Tony and Ziva, known as Tiva by diehard shippers, have done this dance for several seasons.

Will Tony & Ziva Ever Take The Leap?

Can the kick-ass former Mossad assassin and the quick witted ex-homicide detective figure out how to balance their work relationship with a love connection?  Will this potential couple ever deliver?

More importantly, SHOULD THEY?

Castle and Beckett (Castle) - An entire fandom could be heard screaming in delight at their TV screens last May when four seasons of love and lust culminated with a heated kiss against the door and Beckett's fingers entwined with Castle's as she led him to what we can only assume was his bedroom.

Will coupledom kill their incredible sexual tension? Or bring back the fun, flirty banter that got lost in all of the angst of season four? Castle Season 5 kicks off in September and fans are holding their breath to see what happens as Castle and Beckett start the next chapter of their story.


Jane and Lisbon (The Mentalist) - It's been four long seasons since the tortured con man met the tough but beautiful CBI agent, yet hints at any love connection have been a long time coming. 

Jane & Lisbon Investigate a Surfer's Death

Jane's still emotionally traumatized after his wife and daughter's brutal murder.  Will Teresa Lisbon be the one person who can help end his torment and heal his heart?

With Jane muttering a quick "love you" before pretending to shoot Lisbon and the two holding hands at the end of last season's finale, fans have more hope for this couple than ever before.


Jess and Nick (New Girl)- There's undeniable chemistry between Jess and her snarky bartender/roommate but should their friendship take a turn to romance? 

With CeCe and Schmidt taking over the will they/won't they spot at the end of season one, our guess is that fans will have to wait a while to see Jess and Nick come together but we hope it happens... some day.


Jeff and Annie (Community) -  The show may have never intended these two to be a couple but their obvious chemistry could not be denied. With three seasons of flirtations, hesitation, and jealousy behind them, SHOULD THESE TWO FINALLY TAKE THE HILARIOUS PLUNGE?

Did we forget about burgeoning couples? Vote above on the duos included and then leave a Comment below with pairings you want to see move ahead?

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Mentalist Quotes

You are a terrible liar. I like that in a man.


These aren't the droids you're looking for.
