Suits Giveaway: Season 1 DVD, Gift Card

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With the premiere of Suits Season 2 just a day away, TV Fanatic has once again teamed with USA to offer fans of this fun summer series a chance to relive season one...

... and also dress in style!

Below, you can follow a few simple steps and win two items as a result: The Suits Season 1 DVD; and a $200 gift card to Mr. Porter, a men's online retailer that is collaborating with the show in ways you can learn more about on the official Suits & Style website.

Ready to try and win?

  1. ADD TV Fanatic to your Google+ Circle.
  2. LEAVE A COMMENT on this TV Fanatic contest post with your answer to the following question: Whose style do you like best on Suits?

That's all it takes! We'll announce a winner - contest is open to U.S. residents only - on Monday, June 19. Don't forget to also enter this USA Network Prize Pack giveaway and best of luck to all!

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Suits Quotes

Don't sell her sass short.


Rachel: I just watched the man that I love go to prison so that none of you have to and it hasn't been five minutes and you're already ripping each other apart.
Harvey: Rachel.
Rachel: Let me finish. I thought I wanted to be alone tonight and then I realized that I didn't because I wanted to be with my family. If you can't keep it together tonight, of all nights, then as far as I'm concerned you can all rot in hell.