Private Practice Season 5 Report Card: A-

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In the few short weeks since Private Practice Season 5 concluded, few shows have been in the news as often as this ABC drama.

Tim Daly is out. Kate Walsh is leaving. Questions abound over the future of Seaside Wellness beyond Season 6. But there's plenty of time to look forward. For now, let's take a look back and evaluate the past 22 episodes, from the best to the worst and everything in between...


Best Character: Hands down, Charlotte. This season we’ve seen her rock as a new mom and as a super supportive wife. She’s stolen the show nearly every episode and it’s been one heck of a ride for her since her darkest days. It’s hard to say whether or not I could see the show go on without Addison; however, you can bet that I’d be on board if Shonda decided to start a new show with just the Freedmans.

Worst Character: Pete. Seriously, he became so obnoxiously annoying toward the end of this season. Regardless, I’d still argue there are far more disposable characters than Pete. Sam, Violet and Sheldon... I’m looking at you. A close second for this non-coveted category: Sam.

Charlotte and Erica

Best Storyline: Amelia’s journey throughout Season 5 was tragically heartbreaking and pivotal. From her struggles with addiction and with her baby, Caterina Scorsone’s performance was tear-jerking and powerful time and time again. Give this girl an Emmy already!

Worst Storyline: The love triangle with Sam, Jake and Addison. While she may be an incredible surgeon and an adoring mother, Addison’s heart and head are never in the same place and she kind of is awful in making decisions in the love department. The season finale ended via a snoozefest of a cliffhanger with Addie making a decision between Sam and Jake. Who do you hope she chose?

Best Addition: Baby Henry. Who sighed in relief when Addie finally got what she’s always wanted? I was totally thrilled when Addie found out that she was finally a mother. Henry’s perfect little eyes and smile make me melt every time.

Most Mis/Underused Character: Once again, Sheldon wins. Remember when we almost thought that Shonda and company would finally deliver a storyline for Sheldon when he went to Aruba with his ex-wife? What a tease! However, Sheldon’s friendship with Amelia has definitely been interesting to witness and key to her staying strong.

Hopes for Season 6: A wrap up final season that includes fascinating medical cases – with unpredictable results, as we’ve been accustomed to seeing Addie save the day every single time. In the final Private Practice Round Table of this past season, I wanted Pete to face real consequences. Little did I know he wouldn’t be returning at all. Let’s hope that there’s a plausible explanation and not just a copout that he simply went to jail.

I still would like to see Addie either choose simply her or Jake – not Sam. Here’s to also hoping for a CharCoop baby and for Amelia to finally have some happy days ahead. Lastly, I hope Violet moves away with Lucas and is more tolerable. Then again, it’s always fun when we’re sharing our Violet Annoyance Scale (VAS) ratings.

Overall Grade: A-

Your turn, TV Fanatics. What grade would you give Private Practice Season 5?

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Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches