TV Time Slot Showdown: Revenge vs. The Good Wife

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Two of the strongest women on television will be going head-to-head on Sunday nights this fall. Who will come out on top?

With ABC announcing that its 2012-2013 schedule will include a move by Revenge, fans of this thriller and CBS' The Good Wife will need to choose between the devious mind of Emily Thorne and the legal mind of Alicia Florrick.

Emily Thorne Picture
Awaiting a Verdict

Okay, in this age of DVR and On Demand, it won't be too challenging for most viewers to keep both shows in their lives. But one will need to come first every week on what's shaping up to be an intensely competitive night of programming.

Who will it be? Emily or Alicia? The Hamptons or Chicago? Murder schemes or murder cases? Vote now on the Sunday series you'll be watching live:

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.