Bones Season Finale Spoilers: Brennan Framed For Murder?

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Bones is all-new this evening with "The Warrior in the Wuss."

After that, only three more episodes remain in Season 7.

While fans already know there will be a Bones Season 8 next fall, the current campaign may end on a dark note with the return of evil genius Christopher Pelant and the fallout from his case.

Fox has released the official synopses for the final thee episodes of the season, including a finale that features a surprise twist as Brennan herself may be implicated in more of Pelant's crimes.

What will this mean for the future of the Jeffersonian? Who is Brennan's mystery friend? Read on for a week-by-week rundown of the rest of the season and share your theories and comments with us below:

Seeley Booth and Temperance Brennan

Monday, April 30: “The Family in the Feud”
After a corpse is found in the middle of the woods, the Jeffersonian team links the victim to two families that have been feuding for almost a century. Brennan and Booth discover that the victim only had weeks to live before he was brutally murdered, and a family member with a shocking confession brings them closer to finding a motive. Meanwhile, Brennan has difficulty accepting her father Max’s (guest star Ryan O’Neal) offer to babysit Christine.

Monday, May 7: “The Suit on the Set”
Brennan and Booth head out to Los Angeles to consult on the production of “Bone of Contention,” a film based on Brennan’s latest book and the work of the Jeffersonian team. While on set, Brennan intervenes after finding flaws with the actors’ performances, not to mention the film’s total disregard for science. Then she discovers that the prop cadaver being used is an actual murder victim, forcing her and Booth to launch an investigation that has real-world consequences in the land of make-believe. Meanwhile, Booth is offered a job on the studio lot, and embarrassing information is revealed about Cam’s past.

Monday, May 14: “The Past in the Present”
Ryan O’Neal guest stars again in the season finale. Evil tech genius Christopher Pelant (guest star Andrew Leeds), a suspect in a previous case Brennan and Booth handled, is back in court on appeal. Knowing what he is capable of, Brennan and Booth inform the judge that he is a suspect in two murder cases. Then, Brennan and Booth are called to the scene of a new murder. After determining the victim is Brennan’s friend, who also is linked to Pelant, the Jeffersonian team works to prove he is guilty once and for all. But when law enforcement examines the team’s findings, key pieces of evidence are tied to Brennan and suspicion falls on her.

UPDATE: Check out these season finale photos ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Bones Quotes

Wendell Bray: (running up with a bone in his hands) Dead guy's hyoid.
Bones: Guy as in sexually non-specific urban colloquialism or in the reference to the gender normally associated with a penis, Mr. Bray?
Wendell Bray: Um ... penis?

Booth: You don't think that I'm a lousy dad for not sending my son to private school?
Sweets: No. But you'd be a lousy father if you didn't torture yourself about it.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones