Smallville Season 11: On the Way, Comic Book Style!

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The long-gestating rumors have become a reality: Smallville will soon live on in comic book form.

A press release confirms that former show writer Bryan Q. Miller will pick up where the series left off in May with the April 13 online publishing of a new comic book; new chapters will then be released each week, with the first of these available in print on May 16.

Smallville Season 10 Poster

“Six months after Clark Kent donned the cape and took to the skies to save Earth from Apokolips... enter Season 11!” says Miller. “New allies abound! New enemies afoot! And old friends return where they’re least expected!

"[Pere Perez] and colorist Chris Beckett have done a fantastic job of capturing the look of the show and the players, and [artists Gary Frank and Cat Staggs] are knocking it out of the park on covers. I couldn’t be more excited to help give seasoned viewers and new readers an all-access pass to Clark’s first year in the cape.”

Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Chloe Sullivan-Queen, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor and General Lane will all play roles in the upcoming new editions.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
