Scandal Trailer: She's the Most Powerful Woman ...

at .

... you've never heard of.

When it comes to crisis management, nobody does it like Olivia Pope. Kerry Washington stars as Pope, who's based on real-life crisis management expert Judy Smith, in Shonda Rhimes new series Scandal.

No problem - whether it's politics, sports, business or show business - is too big for her Washington, D.C.-based firm to handle. But just to be clear ... they are lawyers, but this is not a law firm.

"When you can't go to a publicist, when you can't go to a lawyer, when you can't go to the cops, you come to us and we fix it," Washington says of her character and her associates.

Of course, in typical Grey's Anatomy / Private Practice fashion, "Olivia is full of contradictions. In her professional life she is always the smartest woman in the room. In her personal life she's a total mess."

Rhimes' latest series debuts April 5 on ABC. Will you watch? Here's a preview:

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
