Grey's Anatomy Review: Two Shepherds, One Battle

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Grey’s Anatomy returned tonight with "Have You Seen Me Lately?," the first hour in the GA/Private Practice Crossover Event. There were a few intense surgeries and an even bigger battle. Time to discuss.

Study Buddy. Boards are coming up for the residents and Webber has convinced Callie to work with Meredith. This is totally the right move. These two are both hardcore and do not get paired up enough. Watching them work together will most definitely be entertaining, especially if they continue to work on cases like putting a toe on a hand! Callie’s study methods may be the thing to help Mer prove she is as good as her last name.

In typical Alex fashion, he used his pregnant intern to help him study. The real Alex made an appearance when she had a heart attack and a premature baby. There is no other resident that is more perfect for Peds. He may be cynical but he loves saving those kids. The only issue is that the writers are all across the board with him. He’s sweet and caring one week, a jackass the next. The cycle goes round and round. We have seen real progress made for this character and it’s time to see him move forward. Or get a love interest. Balls in your court, Shonda.

Avery and Sloan

Be My Person. Wow. That was intense. Cristina and Owen hit up couples therapy to work on their issues that ultimately kept falling back on the abortion. Owen complained that Cristina is still a “twisted sister” with Meredith and that she should have a baby.

Here is the thing: Yang has always been upfront about her stance on children. Owen knew this and if it was a deal breaker, they never should have gotten married. The future is not looking too bright for these two and I imagine I am not alone in thinking they should separate for a while. Plus, there is no one more bad a** than a broken-hearted robot Cristina.

Get Out! Let it be said that Jackson and Mark may make the sexiest tag team of docs ever. Avery got some guts and kicked Bailey out of his OR with Sloan’s backup. You can now add this quality to their list of best bromance ever. Now, I, too, like my Bailey with a bit of bossiness. But even I would have gave her the boot.

Double Dose of Shepherd. In hour one, Amelia arrived at SGH to get Derek’s help for Erica. McDreamy was right to be concerned about his baby sis but it’s time for the Shepherds to do work. Come on, “it’s a beautiful night to save lives.” 

Only downside to this is that Amelia spent time with the wrong Grey. Even though Lexie is on Neuro, it would have been much better to see her interact with her sister-in-law. Maybe in the second hour...

Lex, Der

Small Doses:

  • Gotta love the shout out to the ice pick Owen pulled out of Cristina. Oh, the early days of love.
  • Callie working with Mer means more screen time. It’s about time.
  • The hand-in-meat-grinder case may have been the most disgusting in a long time. Pretty much awesome.
A solid hour to the start of the annual crossover event. Make sure to check out the review for Private Practice to get the details on the second hour. Will Amelia and Derek succeed in Erica’s surgery? Are Cristina and Owen headed for a divorce? Is Callie going to help Meredith pass her boards? Sound off and let us know!

Have You Seen Me Lately? Review

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Grey's Anatomy Season 8 Episode 15 Quotes

I don't need help, I'm an excellent surgeon. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.


I have a study buddy but my stupid study buddy is busy trying to save her stupid marriage.
