Vampire Diaries Round Table: Who is in the Coffin?

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The Vampire Diaries is taking this week off. But instead of crying (too hard) over that fact, the TV Fanatic staff is using it as an opportunity to stop and analyze the most pressing question currently hanging over the series:

Who, or what, is inside the mysterious fourth coffin?

That's the one question we posted to various writers in this special edition of the The Vampire Diaries Round Table. Read their responses now and then chime in with your own...

Carissa Pavlica: I'll shoot for the Originals' supposedly dead mother.

Christina Tran: The Original Petrova Doppelganger! How epic would that be?!?

Matt Richenthal: Castiel. Producers keep saying he's coming back in some form and... wait, this might be the wrong show.

Steve Marsi: Eric Hochberger's heart. It died when Klaus and Caroline became endgame.

Miranda Wicker: Ooh, I'm going with Mama Original. As much as I want to see Nina Dobrev play another role, I don't think that's happening. And LOL, Steve!

Leigh Raines: Oh crap these are all really good answers. What ever happened to the original witch? Could it be her?

Carla Day: My first two guesses have been mentioned, so I'm going to throw out a long shot: the locked coffin contains Klaus's first love.

Chandel Charles: I think that one of the original Bennett witches has to be in that coffin. It's just a matter of which one and why it's important. Maybe the witch who cast the first vampire spell?

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
