The Vampire Diaries Round Table: Who is Your Favorite Original?

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Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah. Klaus, Rebekah, Elijah. Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus.

No matter how you rank them, each of the Original family members on The Vampire Diaries brings something absolutely frickin awesome to the table. There's no debating that the additions of Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies and Claire Holt have provided a major jolt to the series.

But there is debating which of these Originals is the best. Or, at least, there's about to be. Various members of the TV Fanatic staff have gathered to argue this exact question - WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE ORIGINAL? - before turning it over to our readers for their take...

Carissa Pavlica: I was really fond of the original Original, Elijah. There was something about him that seemed like a gentler version of those who have come after. He's been gone for a while and I may need to reassess as he comes back into the picture, but I'm sticking with him.

Eric Hochberger: As the resident sleaze I know I'm supposed to go with Rebekah, but I still have to pick Klaus. Every show needs a good villain. Even if that villain is stealing my Caroline.

Carla Day: Elijah ... Klaus ... Elijah ... Klaus ... I can't decide. I like them both, but for different reasons. I miss Elijah and I'm glad he's finally back, so that may skew it in his favor. But Klaus is so deliciously bad. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with Caroline. I'm going to sit back and spend hours pondering this very important decision.

Leigh Raines: Klaus. It's so rare to create a villain you and hate and root for at the same time. Plus, you know, his sexiness and accent don't hurt.

Miranda Wicker: I didn't know I missed Elijah until he showed up on my screen, so I'm going with Elijah. Rebekah and Klaus are too whiny for my tastes in villains. Elijah is unpredictable and smooth, which makes him just the right amount of scary. (And dude can ROCK a suit and tie. Swoon!)

Steve Marsi: Somebody's gotta give Rebekah some love, so I'll channel my inner Eric and choose her. Reason being: Have we seen Elijah and/or Klaus stretch like that? Didn't think so.

Matt Richenthal: I got your back, Steve, by wishing I had Rebekah's front... if you know what I mean! She's really cute, that's all. And Holt's reaction to learning the truth about her brother on "Ordinary People" was maybe my favorite acting moment of the season.

Dan Forcella: Klaus. The dude exudes more swag with one glare than Elijah could ever dream of.

Christina Tran: Elijah is awesome! That is all.

Your turn, readers. Who is your favorite Original?

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Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

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