Bones' Baby Birth to Involve ...

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The arrival of Brennan's baby girl will happen soon after Bones returns this spring.

According to David Boreanaz, the following things will be involved in that event:

  • A horse
  • A farm
  • A lot of wine

Sounds like an episode not to be missed ... except by those imbibing, perhaps.

"There's some trauma that happens that may twist the series a bit," he teases.

Very Pregnant Brennan

No exact due date has been released ... but Brennan is ready to pop!

Lightening the mood for David and costar Emily Deschanel, according to TV Guide, was that the fake baby they worked with was covered in "grape jelly and cream cheese. And Emily's right foot kept hitting me in the head."

What trauma could change the direction of the show? And how on Earth are there horses and wine involved? Share your comments on these upcoming Bones developments with us by leaving comments below ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Bones Quotes

Wendell Bray: (running up with a bone in his hands) Dead guy's hyoid.
Bones: Guy as in sexually non-specific urban colloquialism or in the reference to the gender normally associated with a penis, Mr. Bray?
Wendell Bray: Um ... penis?

Booth: You don't think that I'm a lousy dad for not sending my son to private school?
Sweets: No. But you'd be a lousy father if you didn't torture yourself about it.

Bones Music

  Song Artist
Fearless Cyndi Lauper iTunes
The World Is... Matthew Ryan iTunes
Song Rain Or Shine Matthew Perryman Jones