The Mentalist Review: Death and Ice Cream

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Welcome to the future. We may not have jet packs yet, but you can post murder video on the Internet and bait a suspect with a Twitter account. Poor Jake put on the wrong jacket and got in the wrong car and suddenly his future was over.

Craig Bierko on The Mentalist

"Red Shirt" gave every character their small moments to shine or dim depending on who they were. Grace didn't have a lot to do during this episode besides babysit Doc Dugan and drop fake files but I loved her line when Dugan was hitting on her: 

I shot and killed my last boyfriend. I'm not ready for a relationship yet.| permalink

That one should go in everyone's save file for unwanted suitors who won't take a hint. If that doesn't scare them off, I don't know what will. Plus, Grace was just so matter of fact about it. I doubt Dugan could tell if she were serious or kidding.

Cho made a tremendous tackle on our football fan suspect but he also paid the price. I wonder where they're going with this storyline. At some point the back pain and pill popping is going to catch up with our stoic Kimball Cho. How he'll handle that is anyone's guess, but anything that gives Cho more screen time is good with me.

And did Rigsby's reaction to Cho's back pain annoy anyone else? Having noticed Cho's distress, he chastised him for tackling a suspect when he has a bad back and in the next breath changed the subject to his love life. The more I see of Wayne Rigsby, the less I like him.

Speaking of Rigsby's love life, he asked his attorney girlfriend to prep him for court then got upset when she brought up his family and his past. You would think that somewhere along the way a defense attorney would have already dug up his father's criminal past during a case but maybe I'm wrong. 

So after he ditched her on a park bench, he later apologized by insulting her profession. I kind of like Sarah but I can't figure out why she's dating Rigsby.

Lisbon was having fun with this case. She got to hide Dugan from Wainwright and arrest a bunch of mobsters. She was thrilled to tell Arnold Green that his enforcer turned over a new leaf and the CBI found Green under it. When asked if they should arrest the bartender too, Lisbon was positively gleeful when she told the agent yes, the more the merrier.

Of course, Jane got his time to shine. From knowing it was Cho walking up behind him to finding a supposedly dead football player very much alive and in bed with not one but two female fans, Jane was having a good time.

My favorite was when he convinced Martin that he was a psychic talking to the dead. The tough guy who wore the bullet that pierced his lung as arm candy freaked out over Jane's little ghost story. I guess everyone is scared of something.

Jane's theory was that once you're dead, it doesn't matter what people thought of you because you won't be here to know about it. Do you agree? What I do agree with is that as long as we are here, there's always ice cream.

Red Shirt Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Mentalist Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

You recognized my footsteps. That's weird.


Cho: Welcome to the future.
Wainwright: They promised us jet packs and gave us compromised investigations.