Private Practice Midseason Report Card: A-

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Some say it’s the most wonderful time of the year. But, as TV Fanatics, we might disagree, considering our favorite primetime shows are currently on hiatus.

But at least this break gives us an opportunity to evaluate the progress of various programs - from The Walking Dead to The Secret Circle - at this midway point of their seasons, as we do below in this Private Practice Report Card...


Best Character: To say Amelia has been remarkable would be an understatement. She’s made me laugh, smile, cry and so much more. This season has especially shown how vital she is to the practice and how much her story has touched our lives. As we witnessed Amelia in her darkest hour, we saw a completely different girl from the first bubbly one we met. Her performance has been amazing, and I hope that the second half of this season will show her back on track and well again. While I’d like to see the entire staff supporting Amelia, I’d especially love to see her rekindle her friendships with both Sheldon and Charlotte. 

Worst Character: Although I’ve loved the feedback in regards to our recently-implemented Violet Annoyance Scale, I can honestly also say that she is not the worst character of this season. It’s a solid tie between Sam and Pete. I’m disappointed in both of their poor demeanors and recent actions.

First, my disdain for Sam continued to intensify as he made completely no sense at all by wanting to be with Addison but having no desire to bear a child with her. He consistently stated that he loved and supported her, but having another child was the last thing on his mind. At least there are no excuses for Pete’s irate behavior. As you know, I am not the biggest Violet fan, but she doesn’t deserve to be treated with complete disrespect. It’s time for Pete to take some anger management courses.  

Best Episode: It’s no contest. “Who We Are” went down in Private Practice history as Shonda Rhimes and company (and especially Caterina Scorsone) delivered a powerful and tragic story of an addict. I watched this mind-blowing episode more than once and was left awestricken and teary-eyed every single time. Similar to last season’s astounding “Did You Hear What Happened to Charlotte King?," this installment was truly unforgettable and a defining moment for our favorite doctors at Seaside Wellness.

Best Ongoing Storyline: It’s a close one between Amelia’s and Addison’s. While I’ve loved every bit of Amelia’s intriguing storyline, how can I not go with Addie’s journey to become a mother? We’ve been with Addison since day one, when she first arrived in Los Angeles seeking Naomi’s help after she first realized that she wanted a baby. Furthermore, we’ve seen her struggle throughout the years and watched her effortlessly continue to hope that motherhood wasn’t impossible for her.

While the midseason finale left off with a cliffhanger of Addie seen with a pregnancy test, I can’t help but hope that the results are positive because becoming a mother has always meant everything to Addie. Whether the IVF worked or not, or even if it’s through adoption, Addison seriously deserves a baby and happiness.

Best Addition: Jake! Who isn’t a fan of Benjamin Bratt?!? I can honestly say, though, I didn’t think that I’d become so attached to his character right off the bat and was sort of surprised how easily and fast he’d fit into the group. There’s also no denying the sparks that fly when Addie and Jake are together. He’s been a great addition and a phenomenally caring doctor, and I am ecstatic that he is a part of Addison’s happiness. Team Jake all the way!

Best Bromance: Sam and Jake. Although they’ve got their differences in opinions at the office and the hospital, Sam and Jake’s budding bromance was a nice and special addition to the drama. The basketball, shooting pool and bar scenes were fun to watch and even Sam and Jake’s arguments aren’t so bad. More, please.

Most Mis/Underused Character: Sheldon. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: Writers, please give Sheldon an actual storyline. Sure, we get that he is a supportive friend and plays the sound role in medical debates and discussions. However, it’s just not enough. I hope that he will continue to play a role in Amelia’s road to recovery, but I also would love to see him with his own plot and story.

Grade So Far: A-

Hopes for 2012: That Pete and Violet are officially through and move on separately, while finding a way to still work together to be the parents that Lucas needs. I want more Charlotte and Cooper, too. The first half has lacked tremendously, and I’ve always loved seeing this awesome couple together. I’m also looking forward to more interesting medical cases that involve all of the doctors and highlight fascinating stories of patients. Like I’ve mentioned earlier, give Sheldon something to work with and it’s time for Addison to have a baby (preferably without Sam). And lastly, maybe Jake could make her happy.

Agree? Disagree? Chime in with your grade now!

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Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches