The Mentalist Review: Who Can Make Kimball Cho Smile?

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There were plenty of things to like in tonight's The Mentalist, but there was one thing that made me sit up and take notice: Kimball Cho smiled.

"Pink Tops" started off with the death of an undercover cop. I was surprised to find out she was an officer. Was she glued into that dress? And no offense to Jane's undergarment expertise, but I've never seen a sports bra pushed up quite that high.

When they pulled the condoms from Yolie's clothes, I began to wonder if she was having an affair. Using the condoms to waterproof drug samples while undercover made a lot of sense, but if Yolie was carrying those items home, wouldn't she have mentioned that explanation to her husband?

I enjoyed the small scene in the beginning where Jane mentioned the amount of rest Lisbon has gotten, or hasn't from the sound of it. It was a nice reminder that there's a universe we don't always get to see. One where these partners work late hours and know one another's sleep patterns.

Jane Has Questions

Loved it when Lisbon knew more about the Perry boys than the undercover detective. A lot of the male authority figures seem to underestimate petite Agent Lisbon. It's always fun to see her kick a little ass.

The show did a great job with the details when it came to the kids of the grieving family. Jane's always a magnet for kids. It made sense that he'd be the one to notice the young boy hiding in the cardboard robot. Then I got all nostalgic when Grace used the computer in the kids' room. Their old iMac made me smile. I used to have on of those.

Did you see how fast Jane took off when Lisbon brought up Red John? Did that mean they still hadn't discussed the big bloody smiley face left on the wall last week? I would have thought that conversation would have happened right away. Jane already believed that Red John was still alive. Now that there's proof, why was he so reluctant to talk about it with Lisbon?

But the best scenes of the night were between Cho and Summer. Why does the one person to get under Kimball Cho's skin have to be a hooker? Damn. Not much hope of a love interest there.

How great would it have been if Cho had actually done the pinky swear with her?!? I think I would have fallen off my chair. From the look on his face, it appeared he almost thought about it.

So, did Cho really need Summer as a confidential informant or did he want the excuse to talk to this unique woman who somehow sees through his iron face exterior?  I wonder how many people know the real Kimball Cho. I can only hope we get to see more.

Pink Tops Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (91 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Mentalist Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Your the man nobody wants to look like so I'm guessing your Mr. Vega.


Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.