James Marsden to Appear on Multiple Episodes of 30 Rock

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We still do not know when 30 Rock will return to NBC.

But we do now know that James Marsden will be featured prominently on the sitcom when it does finally premiere its new season in early 2012.

James Marsden on Modern Family

The actor - seen above during his stint on season two of Modern Family - will appear on six episodes of the series, likely as a love interest for Tina Fey's Liz Lemon.

Entertainment Weekly, which first reported this scoop, quotes a casting description for Marsden's character as: “California-bred with liberal values and a youthful innocence. Easy-going but confident with a strong sense of self.”

Assuming Marsden does romance Liz Lemon, he'll have some difficult, hilarious shoes to fill. Previous suitors include Matt Damon and Jason Sudeikis.

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30 Rock Quotes

Jack: Are you familiar with the GE tri-vection oven?
Liz: I don't cook very much.
Jack: Sure... I gotcha. New York, third-wave feminist, college-educated, single and pretending to be happy about it, over-scheduled, undersexed, you buy any magazine that says "healthy body image" on the cover, and every two years you take up knitting for ... a week.
Pete: That is dead on!
Liz: What, are you going to guess my weight now?
Jack: You don't want me to do that.

[to Liz] I like you. You have the boldness of a much younger woman.
