Criminal Minds Planning "Personal" J.J. Storyline

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Once Prentiss comes back from the dead, Criminal Minds will devote more of its seventh season to exploring the team's personal lives. That means Reid's family, Rossi's ex and the return of William LaMontagne, Jr.

The New Orleans detective fans met in Season 2, and in Season 4 when he was revealed to be the father of J.J.’s baby, will appear again this season, with Josh Stewart (Third Watch) reprising the role.

Fun fact: J.J.'s son will appear as well - played by A.J. Cook's actual son.

A.J. Cook is Back!

“We’re going to see her baby’s daddy and her baby again, which my actual real-life son will be playing,” said Cook. “It’ll be fun. We’re definitely going to see into her personal life and what’s been happening there.”

Executive producer Erica Messer told TV Line this week that while the show always studies killers, "I want to study our heroes, too. This season, we’ve earned that. It’s seven years, so I think it’s time we get to do that.”

The show returns Wednesday, September 21. Check out TVF's Criminal Minds spoilers section for more on the new season, including 10 things to watch for in the much-anticipated seventh campaign.

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Criminal Minds Quotes

Morgan: (discussing Viper) We need to bait him with someone he sees as a challenge.
Reid: To study his style up close and personal is going to take someone that he's already attracted to.
(all eyes are on Emily)
Prentiss: Ahh, oh, this is really gonna suck.

Garcia: Sir, does this guy stuff actually work on real, breathing girls?
Hotchner: (confused) Why are you asking me?
Garcia: I abhor the whole chicks-dig-jerks thing.
Hotchner: Well, fortunately, Garcia, you are one of the exceptions.
Garcia: Be still my bespeckled heart. So are you, sir.
Hotchner: (smiling) Thanks.