Castle Season Premiere Pics: The Fate of Beckett

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Castle spoiler alert: Kate Beckett will survive her shooting.

This has never really been a question, but the following season four premiere photos prove that this detective recovers from events in the May finale and makes it back to the precinct. Castle, however?

He'll be racked with guilt, as depicted in the first official trailer for the September 19 opener, "Rise." Click on pictures from the episode now and prepare to meet Victoria "Iron" Gates, the new captain in town...

Castle in the Hospital
Penny Johnson Jerald on Castle
Ryan and Esposito
Awaiting News on Beckett
Victoria "Iron" Gates
Castle Season 4 Premiere Pic
Castle on Castle
Cop vs. Doctor

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Castle Quotes

I tried to stay in the car I really did.


Look at my life. My dreams do come true.
