Big Brother 13 Finale: The Winner is ...

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Could Rachel Reilly do the impossible?

On the season finale of Big Brother 13, she seemed poised to. The enemy of the house for so long - multiple summers now - was about to complete the ultimate comeback. If she could win HoH, $500K would be hers.

Or would it?

Rachel Wins Big Brother

Not surprisingly, she ousted Porsche Briggs and Adam Poch in the first part of the final Head of Household battle, then bested the former in the final portion. Given the choice of who to bring to the jury, she chose ...

Porsche. Rachel liked her odds against this floater better, perhaps due to Adam's pure likability. Porsche had been the stronger competitor in recent weeks, no doubt earning her place in the finale. But winning it?

Surprisingly, she came close.

Kalia and Dani both voted for Porsche. Adam also voted for her, which was somewhat unexpected. But it mattered not. Rachel had Brendon, Jeff and Jordan all along, putting the decisive vote in the hands of Shelly.

She made the right decision in the end. Despite her misgivings about Rachel's personality, of which there are admittedly too many to count, Shelly gave her the half million. Porsche, $50,000 isn't a bad runner-up haul.

Jeff Schroeder picked up $25,000 as America's favorite houseguest, meanwhile, coming away with something after his early exit from a season he appeared on track to win at several points. Way to go, Jeff.

What do you think? Did the jury get it right? Are you happy Rachel won?

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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