Jersey Shore: The Rage Returns, Boils Over

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The Jersey Shore cast is always a bunch that knows how to drink, hook up and exchange some heated words. At the end of the day, though, they remain a family.

Not this week.

Tension between two Jersey Shore cast members boiled over to the point of no return last night. A fight erupted as the culmination of a feud building for some time.

At issue, of course, was Ron and Sam's relationship, and The Situation's involvement therein. It certainly provided us many developments and quotes to talk about.

Follow the link for THG's complete Jersey Shore recap!

Jersey Shore Cast in Season 4

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Reality TV Quotes

Alan: [About G.D. Thibodeaux] I’ll tell you what I’m gonna go. I’m gonna go down there and talk to him.
Lindsey: No, no, no, no!
Alan: I’ve got to. I’ve got to! You sit here where you’re fine.
Lindsey: That is not fine. How do you and I know the killer is not in here?!
Alan: Because you’re around too many people.
Lindsey: No, no, no, no. Please, don’t!
Alan: I’m gonna go talk to him.
Lindsey: No, that is not a good idea!
Alan: I think it’s … where’s Drew? Hey Drew!
Lindsey: No. No! He could be the killer!

Leita Rose-Blodgett: It is not a done deal. I have not decided about selling this land, and I am not for it at the moment.
[Back at the house]
Brian: So, if she ends up with a toe tag, I wouldn’t be surprised.