Big Brother: The Power Couple Divided ... For Now

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Brendon and Rachel are insane. So much so that they think they are this indestructible force, when in reality, their social game is beyond bad and they have no shot.

Last night proved this for the second consecutive summer, as Brendon got the boot by a vote of 5-2. Rachel is likely next, unless a major change in the game occurs.

Who became the new Head of Household? What twist could send Brendon, or another former guest, back? Find out in THG's comprehensive Big Brother recap ...


Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Reality TV Quotes

Alan: [About G.D. Thibodeaux] I’ll tell you what I’m gonna go. I’m gonna go down there and talk to him.
Lindsey: No, no, no, no!
Alan: I’ve got to. I’ve got to! You sit here where you’re fine.
Lindsey: That is not fine. How do you and I know the killer is not in here?!
Alan: Because you’re around too many people.
Lindsey: No, no, no, no. Please, don’t!
Alan: I’m gonna go talk to him.
Lindsey: No, that is not a good idea!
Alan: I think it’s … where’s Drew? Hey Drew!
Lindsey: No. No! He could be the killer!

Leita Rose-Blodgett: It is not a done deal. I have not decided about selling this land, and I am not for it at the moment.
[Back at the house]
Brian: So, if she ends up with a toe tag, I wouldn’t be surprised.