Big Brother: Sticking to Her Guns

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Following last Thursday's elimination of Brendon and Kalia's surprising rise to the HoH room, the balance of power truly shifted on Big Brother. Perhaps for good.

Jeff, Rachel and Jordan were left in an unfamiliar position as tensions in the house began to run high. They knew a combination of them would be on the block.

With the twist looming, Kalia weighed her options, but ultimately decided to go with her gut. This did not go over well with one or more houseguests, obviously.

Who was nominated for eviction at the end of the night? How did the nominees react to Kalia's tough call? Find out in THG's comprehensive Big Brother recap ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Reality TV Quotes

Alan: [About G.D. Thibodeaux] I’ll tell you what I’m gonna go. I’m gonna go down there and talk to him.
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[Back at the house]
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