Grey's Anatomy Season Premiere Scoop: Five Days Later ...

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The summer hiatus seems like an eternity for fans, but the characters of Grey's Anatomy will pick up much sooner, according to shot-caller Shonda Rhimes.

When Grey’s Anatomy opens its eighth season September 22, only five days will have passed since the Season 7 finale and MerDer’s emotional falling out.

“We only pick up five days after the finale ended,” Rhimes tells TV Line, adding that, “[Story-wise] we pick up pretty much where we left off [in Season 7].”

Still the Best

That means Derek and Meredith are far from resolving this major marital crisis, which has been complicated tenfold by baby Zola's introduction into their lives.

“Meredith and Derek have a lot of things to work out,” Rhimes says.

Things are complicated on every level because, “They have a personal relationship, they have a parenting relationship, and they have a work relationship.”

Elsewhere, Cristina has yet to act on her decision re: pregnancy.

“Five days later and she still hasn’t gone and done it - why hasn’t she and what’s going on with her?” Rhimes muses, then adds this intriguing teaser.

“The old Cristina would’ve had the abortion [already].”

Does that mean she'll back off and actually have the baby, to Owen's delight? Or will she follow through with the controversial decision before our eyes?

Either way, we'll find out soon: “By the end of the season premiere she has made her decision,” Rhimes says, “and it’s pretty set in stone what’s going to happen.”

What do you think she'll do? Will Derek and Meredith reconcile? Sound off on these Grey's Anatomy Season 8 spoilers and all other topics below ...

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.