In Plain Sight Review: Big News for Mary

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The promos said this was the In Plain Sight that you didn't want to miss. They were right.

"Something A-mish" had everything I look for: a great witness story, a heartfelt Mary/Marshall twist, and plenty of Mary's snakiness. We'll start with the witness.

Dining with the Amish

Sarah was probably the witness I've cared most about all season. Sweet but strong, she had to leave her Amish way of life when she witnessed a murder. You would've thought that having her husband with her would make that a little easier. Ha! 

Poor, young Sarah ended up struggling to hold her marriage together to her drug-dealing worse half. Was I horrible to think that she might have been better off without him, even when he ended up dead?

The Amish storyline gave us some really great moments. When Mary recounted the plot line from the movie Witness and then looked at this Amish family as if they were crazy that they didn't know what she was talking about, I laughed out loud. 

By the way, if you've never seen Witness (Harrison Ford, Kelly McGuiness, 1985) you need to go rent it. Now.

How about Marshall's legs in the Amish pajama top. "Put them away Ichabod," Mary sniped. He did look ridiculous in that oh-so-cute Marshall kind of way. On a snarkiness scale of 1 to 10 this episode rated an 8. It had so many great lines it was hard to pick just one but I went with Mary telling Stan the following:

Mary: I've got Delia scouring for butter churning gigs. | permalink

And Mary gave me a serious craving for apple pie. Of course, anyone who saw the well published spoilers of actress Mary McCormack's real life pregnancy knew what was coming next, in case the cravings, increased breast size and nausea weren't blatant enough for you. 

The absolute best scene of the night was when Marshall broke the news to Mary. Yes, he'd figured it out on his own that she was pregnant but I was thrilled that he was the first person she was going to tell, if he had given her the chance. 

I loved the affronted look Marshall gave her when Mary suggested that he had told Abigail. Despite Abigail's status as his girlfriend, in some very important ways, Mary still comes first. I'm just not sure she's smart enough to see that.

Now these two partners get to deal with her pregnancy and that can only lead to some sweet, funny, heartbreakingly frustrating moments for fans of this duo.

But as Mary told Sarah, even the best relationships have fits and starts. Part destiny, part choice, we'll see where this new twist leads.

Something A-mish Review

Editor Rating: 4.8 / 5.0
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User Rating:

Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (41 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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In Plain Sight Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

The Amish, super crappy cell service.


One man's slice of heaven is another man's hell hole.
