The Aftermath: The Good Wife Creators Reflect on Finale, Look Ahead to Next Season

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The Good Wife season finale, “Closing Arguments,” certainly finished out the spring campaign on a buzz-worthy note, as Alicia and Will finally got together.

That was only part of what made for such a terrific episode (and season), however.

Robert and Michelle King, the married co-creators and co-executive producers of The Good Wife, broke down the episode with Entertainment Weekly today.

Excerpts from their Q&A with EW below ...

Into the Presidential Suite

On whether the final sequence was always intended to be the end of Season 2: “I think one of the things we wanted to do was not have this year end as kind of a cliffhanger. We didn’t want to just tease the audience with, ‘Oh come back come back to us,’” says Robert.

“It was something that satisfied the question of this year, and we think that’s what this season did. But then there are all these repercussions."

"The nice thing about this show for us is it’s playing a little more like life, which is there are all these satisfying moments in life but they also have ripples, a ripple effect afterwards."

"That’s what we think will happen next year.”

On Will and Alicia’s working relationship going forward: “I mean, look, he’s her boss," Michelle says. "There’s a satisfaction in seeing them together, but that is going to be awkward. And also Alicia is going to become more desirable to other law firms, and the combination of that and what happened is going to put some strain on that relationship.”

On Alicia and Kalinda's broken friendship: “They are in a very bad place at the end of this season,” Robert says. “What we kind of want to explore is: Can friendship come back from that? Because if there’s anything that Alicia needs in her life, it’s friends."

On Kalinda’s sexual interaction with Sophia: “We don't actually think of Kalinda as villainous, per se,” explains Michelle. “It’s just that she’s hedonistic and we wanted to dramatize what happens when that hedonism bumps up against her friendship."

"The thinking is that her feelings do change about her behavior somewhat and suddenly something she wouldn’t have thought twice about - which was fooling around with a married woman - suddenly does seem real to her.”

On Eli (Alan Cumming) joining Lockhart Gardner: “It felt an interesting way to rethink the Eli and Alicia relationship by having him be her boss,” says Robert. “One of the things was because we got Alan Cumming - we were happy that that worked out - our hope was also to use Eli somehow in-house."

On Peter sending that essential evidence/glove to Lockhart Gardner: “We kind of wanted to be a little mysterious with that,” says Robert. “At the moment you’re thinking it is about the transition, which Diane mentioned. The bottom line is when the new state’s attorney comes in, they kind of sweep out all their problems, and this was a problem for them."

"It was a glove that was held possibly in the evidence room, or was misfiled. So we kicked it out the door. But you’re wondering whether it was because he has some good in him. That’s part of the exploration next year: How much is Peter truly a changed man and how much is he not?”

On what’s going to happen in Season 3: “Our theme for it is taking risks, and I think the bottom line is what we’re finding with Alicia is that now that she’s come out of her shell and she’s getting stronger and stronger,” says Robert.

“She’s trying to push whatever minimal power she has. And I think the other key is that Kalinda is becoming a more fully formed person. Can she maintain her fight? That is part of where we’re headed.”

Steve Marsi is the Managing Editor of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Google+ or email him here.

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Good Wife Quotes

Will: I took you in. I hired you. I pushed for you.
Alicia: Will, this was a business decision.
Will: You were poison!

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.