Smallville Finale Scoop: The End of the Beginning...

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We didn’t want to just do an ending, we wanted to do a beginning... Unlike other shows, we know where the story goes, so it’s a hand-off to those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending. - Smallville producer Brian Peterson

In preparation for this Friday's series finale, Peterson and fellow producer Kelly Souders spoke to reporters yesterday about the "jampacked" two hours to come. What can we expect from the emotional episode?

Smallville Finale Scene

Among the teasers revealed:

  • "A very good scene with a door," says Peterson.
  • Will there be flashforwards? Pay attention to the first five minutes.
  • There will be "big twists" involving Lex Luthor.
  • Jonathan Kent's return will perfectly "bookend" the season.
  • Why should Chloe fans watch the full two hours? "There a jewel," says Souders.
  • As for Oliver? Preview Peterson: "He has a big heroic moment, a big arc, and some complications."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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Smallville Quotes

I saw me, I mean, Clark Kent, disguised behind glasses and a bad haircut.


We'll have a better chance surviving your dad's desert than Zod's Thunderdome.
